Thursday, May 26, 2011

Oh my, oh my... Awards...

IT is MUCH better then the Grammy's! Much MUCH better then the MTV awards and  defiantly MUCH better then the Emmy's...

I got me some Awards!!! WHOOHOOOHOOOOOOOOO

Thank you sooo much Debra from High heels & hot flashes for the "One Lovely Blog Award"!

I feel incredibly honored to get these awards, although i must say i didn't really know how to implement them at first... I thought to put up a separate page and list them together with the blog hops i like to participate in but then i thought, "Oh well, let's just do it the "right" way" and have some fun!"

Sooooo, here we go, seven things you might not know about me... yet...

1. I love to sleep on my tummy. I thought that sleeping on my tummy would limit my boobies to grow when i was young, but i really could NOT sleep on my side or my back so i gave up the boobies...
2. I feel wayyyyyy better when my house is clean...
3. I wear my heels to feel girly. And yes sometimes i wear them just for myself at home...
4. I HATE spiders. As in screaming, climbing on a chair, getting hot flashes and a heart rate exceeding 300  beats per minute scared of spiders... So pure hate for those buggars!
5. I miss my friends and sister back home in Holland a LOT! Well, you might have know this one already...
6. Once a day i think about smoking. I quit smoking when i had to start chemo and not one day goes by that i don't think about "lighting one up". But i never do...
7. My boobies did eventually come...Yah for me... and yes, I'm still sleeping on my tummy!

Because in the last three months i have seen such fantastic blogs here in Bloggy Land, and if it was up to me i would give you all an award... But i have to pick so i would like to pass the Versatile Blogger Award on to the following ladies and gentlemen, and yes, PLEASE check them out:

Kymberly - Life out Loud... Oh so funny and sooo good!
Sandra - Madsnapper She is one of the sweetest bloggers i have "met"!
Farm girl - My field of dreams Young, fresh and yes a farm girl like me!
Lana - Walking the off beaten path If i needed a second moma, Lana would be it!
Clint - Lyrics of Love and Lore Mr gentleman! And soo sweet with the comments!

And the "One Lovely Blog Award" goes too:
Ria from It's Me Because of her wonderful colorful blog in Dutch and English!

I hope you check them all out and I would love to see you back here next Monday for a new story!

Have a wonderful rest of the week! And again, thank you (as in everybody) who takes the time to read my little "verhaaltjes"...



It's me said...

Yes yes !! thank you darling !!! love you....bedankt lieve leontien...ik zet hem gelijk op mijn blog hoor.....lief !!! ))))

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Congrats on the award!! I love these awards because I think they allow us to learn something about you that may not come up otherwise! Now, I feel like I know you a bit better!!

Clint said...

Congratulations, Leontien! I love your blog and your zest for life. And thank you so much for honoring me---I am flattered.

TexWisGirl said...

oh hurray! you are so deserving of these, dearie! and you've passed them on to some WONDERFUL bloggers! i'm already familiar with the top group and just checked out Ria's place (WOW!!!) keep up your great blog and we'll keep enjoying it!!!

Dawn said...

YAY. Congrats to you:) Like hearing more about you. And I'm with you on the clean thing;))

Unknown said...

Thanks Chickadee! It's nice to know we are all just a click away when we need a friend. I always look forward to your next story; you have such inspiring words to share!

Nancy said...

Congrats on your awards! Well-deserved, may I say! :)

Julia said...

Congratulations on your awards. JB

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Congratulations on all those awards! My goodness:)

Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...

Oh wow! Thank you so very much! Picture me all choked up, red faced, waving my hands in front of my face, all flapping around and unable to speak.

Then I think I'll pull a Sally Field and go all "You like me! You really like me!"

I'm just tickled and flattered and now I have to figure out how to pay it forward. Thanks!

Jeanie said...

Well deserved awards and it was fun learning some new things about you. Just don't climb on a chair to get away from a spider when you are wearing those girly heels. :)

Jeanie said...

Congrats on the awards. It was fun to learn some new things about you. Just don't climb on a chair to get away from a spider when you are wearing those girly heels. :)

Anonymous said...

thank you and congrats on your awards,you do deserve them. I have a bad back so can not wear heels and have not for 20 years, doc said nothing higher than 1 and 1/2 inch. but i did wear them when i could. when i was 18 and got my first job, every week when i got paid, i bought a new pair of shoes, mother was beside herself at the expensive shoes in my closet. but we were poor and i have sunday shoes and school shoes my whole life, so buy the heels i did. i wore pointed toes and spike heels to work every day and came home and rubbed my feet and moaned, mother said, stop wearing the shoes i did NOT

May 27, 2011 8:40 AM trying again to post comment can't post with google so trying anonymous MadSnapper

Anonymous said...

It is fun to hear the personal items some.Congrats with being so popular.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ok, so the work around works, unclicking the stay signed in, but the aggravation of logging in every time i comment may put me over the edge. i will use it when i really really want to comment and i did on this one.
thanks for the award, and you certainy deserve both of these so congrats on that. I am trying to remember the really long comment that i lost and it will not come. if i remember i will be back.

Cheri said...

Yea!!! Congrats on your award. Cheri
Back to larkrise

bon bon said...

omg, you crack me up!! glad you finally grew some boobies!

congratulations on the awards! :o)

Sharon said...

Congratulations on the awards, you know that you deserve them! Have a great weekend!

Stephanie @ henry happened said...

Congrats on the awards! I love reading the fun, interesting things about bloggers I love. :)