Some women do know the difference between a car on fire and a car overheated...
On a beautiful sunny afternoon, i drove home from work. I worked at a dairy about 45 minutes from where we were building our own dairy and because i wanted some experience i worked there with the cows as a herdsman (well, herds woman in my case)...
As i said the weather was beautiful, i had my window rolled down because my fancy smansy car didn't have air conditioning and i was puffing (yes, as in smoking) along and enjoying every single bit of the American landscape and my Dutch techno music.
All of a sudden i see this smoke stuff coming out from between my two front seats.... "Hmmm, that is not like it supposed to be..."
Ok, so here we have to do a little track back into the past to understand this whole thing a little bit better.
The car wasn't in it's best shape anymore. Me and my sweet aunt Wendy bought it 4 years before for a good price (as in cheap). It was a decent car and i only needed it for whenever me or my brother would be in the United States, so we could drive around and go and see things or work at places without being depended on somebody all the time. If we were not here, the car would be parked at my aunt's house. When in 2006 we finally moved to the United States, this car was running non stop, and really maybe that was a little to much for it.
Anyway, my sweet friend Johan came over to bring us a little visit, he had been in Wisconsin to study and had some time left and he didn't mind looking at my car. The last couple of weeks i had trouble starting the thing and i thought if Johan looks at it and maybe fixes it up a bit, we can run it another 4 years until i get my BMW!
Johan did "look" at it, he also "fixed" it. By building a little switch in between the two front seats. It was a little choke, so if i started my car it would get a little extra gas so instead of dying on me every time it would start up good. In theory this was a fine solution...
Now we go back to that sunny afternoon about a mile and a half from home.
I see all this smoke and i think, "This is not good!" I toss my cigarette out of the window (Yes, very bad behavior i know but i was in little bit of a pickle here), turn the music down and STARE at the smoke! "This is not good at all!" I stop the car grab my bag, my car papers, my drivers licence (Dutch drivers license....) And throw everything outside!
Of course we live in RURAL Indiana so there are not so many houses and while I'm standing besides my car i call our crop farmer. "Hi, euhhmm, i think my car is on fire...". "Oh, what does it do?" "Well there is smoke coming out." "You sure it is on fire???" "Well, yes I'm pretty sure...." Our crop farmer did not really believe me. He kept telling me that it was just overheating and that i should stay calm. I was besides the point of staying calm so i pretty much yelled at him (so much for being nice to somebody who is supposedly coming to save you) to come get me AND bring a fire extinguisher!
Because i needed to do something, i run over to the "closest" house to see if they had any water, and maybe a bucket so i could dump some of that water in my car. And in the meantime i was speed dialing my mom, dad and brother and of course NOBODY would answer the phone (happens all the time when your really, really need somebody quick)! What i didn't know was that they were busy in the yard and didn't hear the phone...
So i called the crop farmers mother instead. She said she was watching the grand kids but would come over with a fire extinguisher and see if she could help...
I RUN back to my car WITHOUT any water. Of course my luck to find a house with NO WATER OR A BUCKET what so ever on the outside of the house.... Actually maybe it did have a hydrant or such but i was just to much in 'panic mode' to see, let alone find it! When i got back to my car, the car was filled with black smoke. You could not see true one window and out the other one. The black smoke was everywhere.
The crop farmer arrives, jumps out of his car and yells at me (while laughing!) "JEHZZZ Leo, your car REALLY is on fire!?!" "Yep, i told you so....."
And no, the little itty bitty fire extinguisher that he brought didn't do the trick, nor did the little bigger fire extinguisher that his mom brought. She also brought the kids, who thought this was AWESOME and she flagged down my mom, brother and dad from the garden and took them too.
We called 911...
The police, the fire department, the sheriff and the ambulance came out. But we just let it burn, because by the time they arrived all four tires had popped, and there was just not much left anymore of my decent ugly brown car.
A week later my sweet friend John got me his red cabriolet for me to use while i was looking for a new car. It was a spunky little car and i had lot's of fun driving it! What was even more fun was that not much later i spotted my little red BMW. I had told everybody, first the cows and then the car, but well.... Let's just say there was a change of plans!
We never found out if it was the little choke thingy that did it, but something went wrong...
For Sure...
I did take pictures with my old Dutch phone, but i can't get them onto a computer. They really are 'awesome' pics though! And next time i ever have to call our crop farmer and tell him my car is on fire, i really think he's gonna bring the biggest fire extinguisher he's got...
Not a Cape in Sight
4 hours ago
i have had 3 people stop to see if I needed help this last week while stopped and taking pics.With all the heat it is easy to overheat.
Sorry about your car but it makes a great story. I could almost smell the smoke. Farmers especially men have a way of thinking women are over reacting and that seems to be the case with this farmer. You sure showed him.
I like the little red car are you got to use. You always make me laugh thanks for that. We all need to laugh in this crazy world. Take care. B
once again - you and machinery in a pickle! ha ha!
So sorry about your car. The dialing and not getting anyone on the phone is the classic nightmare! At least you weren't hurt. Still, so sorry about that car. Sure would love to see those pictures!
Big hugs,
Ha, I'm so sorry! At least you had an excuse to get a new car sooner than later!!
Leontien, I love it when someone can take a "bad" experience and turn it into a story that offers a smile to another. You are blessed with the gift of humor and optimism...good for you!
Sorry to hear of the demise of your car, but it did make a fine story which you told very well. What a series of events!
Sorry to hear about your car. Yeah, men do seem to think we`re overreacting at times don`t they?
That would have been scary!
Ya for the Beemer though.
I sorta think you made the farmer's day.
Kind of you my friend.
ughh! Mystery will never be solved ... such a pain!
That crop farmer was definitely surprised, wasn't he??????? That car really WAS on fire!!!!! ha ha
Sorry it happened to you, but it does make for a great story....
Haha. You should have told him the smoke was IN your car. ;)
He undoubtedly thought you meant your radiator had gone dry...
Glad you're okay though, and now you have your car. Hope the week gets better! :)
Another crazy story from you! Glad you were okay!
I remember my mom's old station wagon catching fire once when I was a kid. I was horrified!
Wow! My car started smoking when I was on the side of the highway. Did anybody stop? Uh, no...
Following you from Super Stalker Sunday. Would love a visit and a follow back on my blog: Thanks! Nice to meet you.
sad....but wonderfully told story!!
something sure did go wrong!!!
You have the craziest adventures! And you tell them in such a way that we're right there with you, experiencing the same thing. Man, I was sweating over this one!
Yeah, where's there's smoke there's fire... You've had more misadventure than anyone I know.
When the dust or smoke settles they make for great stories. Keep them coming. JB
Since when your car is addicted to smoking?
Oh my gosh! I bet that crop farmer told a lot of people that story! So sorry about your car but glad you were ok.
put all of your heart on one blog seems better to manage two blogs, nice to see so successful a blog. Greetings from China. Welcome to have a visit on my blog, it will not dispoint you definitely.
Leontien, You have more adventures in your young life!Talk about slow reactions from that farmer.Cheri
What a story! Crazy that your car caught on fire. Glad you were safe!
Well, Dear, I'm so glad you kept your cool! LOL!
That is quite a story. Way to remain calm. Rest in peace old car.
i love your stories! you put a smile on my face everytime. have a great week! :)
Hi Leontien,
i feel for you...glad you're okay.
what a story...but very well written.
WOW! That's quite a story, but at least you weren't hurt!
What a story. Your life's quite eventful, lol.
oh my goodness.. what a day you had! I am a pretty strong woman but when my car breaks down I crumble. I hate it. I feel really alone with it happens. Thank goodness for AAA!
Crystal Lynn
And all the time, I thought it was on 'fire' because of the color. Silly me!
I just bought my first BMW last weekend! It's 5 years old but I LOVE it! You had quite the adventure there. Glad all is well now.
Oh, how awful!
That's why we always, always, ALWAYS stop when we see someone stopped at the side of the road!
You do have a way of turing a oopsie into a funny!
Funny story! Glad you are okay. Thanks for stopping by the NutHouse.
Thank you for inviting me to visit. You told your story so well-I felt like I was there with you!!
So glad you're OK. And now you have a reliable car. Hopefully you will be the only thing smoking in this car!!
I'll be back to visit again-I love farm stories!!
Happy to hear that you're okay; but sad news on the car. You sound like you know about as much as I do when it comes to vehicles, that little choke thingie, I had to laugh:)
Oh my goodness Leontien, this is awful, and I am so sorry. Somehow I am guessing it was the choke thingy :-(
Oh my...I would have been really scared! I agree...I think it was the chokey thingy too!Glad you're OK!
How scary that must have been! So sorry about your car but really glad you are safe!
Have a nice day!
Really good story. Tell me another one, lol.
I had that happen once. No wait, twice. Same car. Did manage to put out the fire. Pretty embarrassing to be riding down the interstate with smoke pouring out the windows. ;)
Great story! Cute car in those photos. Why don't they make them like that anymore? Thanks for visiting me and commenting! Have a great day!
What an adventure! I think it is interesting that sometimes men question whether we women really know what we are saying!
We saw a truck totally engulfed in flames just last week. It was an awesome sight! Poor fella... I hope he had insurance!
Hilarious story, but probably not when it was happening! That same thing happened to my Dad years ago, a cigarette ash started the fire and he was able to put it out quickly with his hand...can you believe that!!! Thanks for following Granny Mountain, I am going to love reading your posts if this is a sample!!
Trusts man to not trust a woman! Cute car you scored from John though! I like your storytelling.
LOL! I am so sorry about the car, but it makes a really good story!! I know you enjoy your good running BMW much more! blessings ~ tanna
Poor car and Poor you! Why is it men are not quick to believe we are right in these situations? Great story since it ended with you getting your red BMW sooner rather than later!
sure wish we could see the photos of the burning car, but you did a fantastic job of making me SEE it with your words. i bet they will come running next time. hope there is NOT a next time
What a scary story, like a nightmare. I have nightmares like that.
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