If you look at those great chefs on television, they sometimes mix things together and in your head it just doesn’t make ANY sense…
Well, this is a post AND a recipe about Ice Cream that just does not makes sense! But the food (Ice Cream) will taste as if a little angel pied over your tongue…. (Yes, this is a Dutch quote but somehow it doesn’t sound as good in English as it does in Dutch…but i like it anyway)!
A couple of weeks ago I promised you another Ice Cream story if we would make it into round 3 of the Progressive Dairyman Flavor Face off 2011!!! Sooooo, guess what!?! We made it into round 3, and a promise is a promise so here is the story!
When I was about 20 years old, after working at several jobs in agriculture I decided that it was time to do something different. My school was taking up a lot of time and so I tried to find a job in the weekends and in the evenings. My little sister worked at a restaurant/party place/cafe/bar a couple of towns over and she had to change jobs because of her school. Because of her change of plans, I had the opportunity to take over her job. And so I became a waitress/bartender/ amateur cook (sounds pretty good, right?!)/ kitchen help…
The Viersprong (the restaurant’s name) was a the most perfect workplace I could of asked for. Being a waitress in Holland is a little different then here in the US or Canada. They don’t pay minimum wage, you get full pay but the waitresses don’t get tips in Holland. Also another HUGE difference is, there are NOT so many waitresses. Truly sometimes I just wonder why on earth there are some many waitresses in a single restaurant. We had to take care of 50 people all by ourselves and in the same time they do here! But this could be a great subject for one of our “Crazy Americans” series…
I would work there every Saturday and Sunday and at days that I didn’t have to go to school. I had the best coworkers you can think of and Gerard & Lieke (the bosses) were fantastic teachers! On how to deal with customers, on how to plan your day or hour as efficient as possible. On how too never walk or do more than necessary to get the job done as best as you possible could and how to look… As in REALLY look!
Before I worked at The Viersprong my mom would tell me to go into our basement and find something like a can of beans, and I could not find it! No matter how long, how hard or how good i checked every inch of the basement (and my mom had the best basement ever! Clean, good light and super organized!)! After some good lessons on LOOKING from Gerard and some extra lessons from my mom, I never have troubles anymore in finding things! I also learned to think and plan ahead. This is something that I am still grateful for everyday, because I use that a lot now that we have 21 employees ourselves at the dairy!
While working at the restaurant Lieke and Gerard started to make their own Ice Cream desserts. I was all “soft ijs” (the kind of Ice Cream that you get at Mc Donalds in a cone, “yes the soft, oh so good, yummy stuff!!!” With different kind of fruits, liquors (yes booze!), whipped cream, chocolate or other goodies! And people just loved them!
So for this special post I’m gonna give you a special taste of my home country and you can try it out. Of course AFTER you have voted for Vanilla Bean on the Progressive Dairyman Website…. Hehe…
Drive to the closest liquor store and get yourself a nice, little, bottle of Anisette… Then you hop over to Walmart, Krogers, or your local grocery store or farmers market and get some lovely strawberries. I assume you have some pepper in your house at all times but if not, grab some red/black and white pepper powder. Or just get the little "balls" and grind it in your pepper mill later. And last but not least you have to go to Mickey D’s and get yourself a large bowl of the soft Ice-cream, you can toss the cones! Maybe you have to take a cooler, because otherwise it melts before you get home being as hot as it is!
Ok, so when you are home you have, for 2 people:
- Ice cream
- Strawberries 4 or 5 per person depending on the size!
- Pepper
- Anisette
And yes if you want to fancy it up you can even get some heavy whipping cream to put on top of your Ice Cream.... But you need to do the whipping yourself no fake stuff here!
The steps of making a fabulous bowl of Ice Cream:
You divide the ice cream over 2 large bowls, cut the strawberries and divide them over the two bowls. Sprinkle a little bit of the Anisette over the Ice Cream and strawberries. Don’t throw a bus load over it, just a little to bring out the flavors. And then you grind some of the pepper over your bowl. Again not too much but enough to actual taste the pepper but it can’t be overpowering!
I know it sounds strange, Ice Cream, pepper, strawberries and LIQUOR but trust me it works! If you forget the liquor or the pepper it is not the same (and all of this coming from a NON alcoholic person, so it must be AWESOME) and yes it really, really is something GREAT!!!
I hope you give it a try and tell me if it was as good for you as it was for all those crazy Dutchies! And please, please, pretty please vote for Vanilla Bean in the Flavor Face Off!
If you want to see Gerard and Lieke’s gorgeous restaurant you can click on this link: The Viersprong, in Dutch but with great pictures (like the ones above!), or their BEAUTIFUL "Pluk de dag" (Seize the Day) website, yes this one is in English!!!
Have a wonderful rest of the week and THANK YOU for voting!!!
Not a Cape in Sight
3 hours ago
It's unbelievable that those ingredients actually work well together. I'll have to try it.
everything sounds yummy - except the pepper. can't quite get my head around that flavor in ice cream. :) i like how that one job taught you so many things you use even today. :)
My goodness that sounds interesting! We sometimes make ice cream at home so have home made ingredients. We love the "soft is" in "Scandyland," too! In Norway it is always a treat; I remember getting it at the ferry dock while waiting for the ferry in Sweden; I remember getting it on the dockside in Copenhagen.... Gosh, I remember getting it in so many places!
How fortunate to have such wonderful bosses early in your life. The ice cream sounds good...except for the pepper. ;)
You wonder how a creative mind works to put those ingredients together...and yet it tastes yummy!
I just voted for your ice cream, and I hope you win! :D
Ricki Jill
So, what does one do if they aren't fond of strawberries?
Leontien, that is a most interesting combination and, as soon as I have gotten rid of a few of these extra pounds that have creeped up on me, I am giving it a try!! I love unusual combinations. I'm off to go vote. Have a wonderful day. blessings ~ tanna
Sounds fun to try, I like all the flavors.
such unusual combos ... but worth a try! :-)
Sounds good. I did go and vote for your flavor. You know, it's odd how these strange flavors make good companions, sort of like putting a little salt in your hot chocolate. Sounds weird, but tastes divine.
Sad to say but I have an allergy to strawberry that came on one day and nearly killed me. I'm sure it's yummy, I believe you. JB
What an interesting combination - I'd love to try it!
That combination is certainly different, but I would love to try it! :)
I voted!
Just cannot imagine having pepper in my ice-cream.
But sometimes life is odd and there is fun.
The first must be a good and dare try.
I'm very intrigued....I'll definitely try it out with my next batch of vanilla ice cream!
You sold me on this combo of flavors for ice cream. Gonna go get some of that soft serve and the anisette. The rest comes easy round here.
BlessYourHeart oh, just voted for your Vanilla Bean...another of My favorites.
Leontien,I don't know pepper? I believe you but strange. I voted for the ice cream.Cheri
Hi There, I just love reading your blogs.. You truly are a great writer ---and can say SO much in just a few paragraphs.
The ice cream sounds great --except for the PEPPER... That one is hard to imagine!!!!!
Good Luck with the voting... I'll go on there and vote for your Vanilla Bean. YUM!!
Leontien, although I would never have thought of any combination like this, it sounds WONDERFUL to me, and you can bet that I will be trying it this weekend. Thank you for sharing, and you have my vote!!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Leontien, thanks for stopping by for a visit and your comment. I'm sure that you'll continue to do well with your treatments and my best wishes go to you.
Friends are precious, but they don't come easy. It takes time and some effort. I'm also trying to cultivate more meaningful relationships and not merely have acquaintances.
As for the ice cream treat, it sounds heavenly to me. Just the kind of different combination that really piques my interest.
And, although you and the family have been here a while now, WELCOME to America. We're glad to have you.
Very interesting combination! Congrats on making it to the third round!!!
My mom love the taste of anisette. She would put it on her ice cream too. I don't think she'd add the pepper though. It does sound a bit odd but sometimes you just have to give it a try :)
Nice pictures.
Hey, I like the sounds of the ice cream part and that's a very nice looking place! Happy weekend to you!!!!!!! Gonna go try to vote now.
That sounds like something my husband would love! I love making sweet and savory combinations, thanks for the idea!
I enjoyed reading of your restaurant days and all that you learned that has remained valuable right up to now. That is an amazing recipe. I voted! Have a great weekend.
Yes, I can totally see the pepper! Sounds yummy!
Hi, I found you on "Mommy Only Has Two Hands" blog which she has your "about me" page featured on. I was so awed by your mini bio that I had to come visit & see more. I'm game to try a tad of pepper in my ice cream sounds weird, but at least all the ingredients are natural. So, it can't hurt. I'll be back to post my critique.
Sonya M. Jones
Tee-iabo Designs
Ohh, that sounds so good. I love your story, so inspiring. You layout is awsome.
How interesting! I love pepper and expect it to be a little kick in this ice cream dish.
Thanks so much for stopping by ~ I really appreciate it!
I am going to have to try this! Thank you for sharing! Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Sandi
Sounds interesting Leontien.
Kinda ying-yang.
I know what you mean about the waitressing, very good training for all kinds of endeavors.
Vanilla bean it is, I'm on my way!!!
Hi Leontien,
what an incredibly interesting combination...everything sounds delicious!
thanks so much for sharing it.
i'm going to have to give it a try.
happy weekend.
That actually sounds pretty good. I've been experimenting with coarse ground black pepper and cheese in homemade biscuits. I think black pepper might work with chocolate too. Nice post.
oh, i'm all for liquor in my ice cream. i do love "grasshoppers". thanks for the reminder!
Hey Sweetie,
Just a note to say thank you for the 'seed' card and I hope you're enjoying the book!
big hugs
How much fun is all of this?
I love ice cream, but have sworn off sugar for a while...
That's for making me salivate!
Seriously, I want to get into the car and go and get some sugary snack, like NOW!
Well Dang! I think I'm late to the party because it said the voting was closed for Round Three!
Interesting flavor combination, but never say never right? I so love learning about your life in the Netherlands! Keep on educating us Crazy Americans! Hugs!
Pepper?!! How interesting!
Congrats on making it to the third round!!!
New follower!
Leontien - Just stopping back to tell you that I tried this over the weekend. It was amazing and a huge hit!!
Thank you once again!
It has taken me a while to get back to you about the verdict on the ice cream. I really liked it, not at all what I expected. I really thought that I would be able to taste the pepper, but the Anisette & strawberries must have changed the taste of the pepper. It was almost like a mint chocolate chip flavor. I tried it twice. The second time I did add mini chocolate chips & it was delicious. My daughter who is a very picky eater added crushed Oreos and she loved it. Must say this is a winner. Thanks!
Sonya M. Jones
Tee-iabo Designs
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