Monday, October 10, 2011

Problem or Opportunity

I have a little problem…

I have one week…
One week before we start the huge battle…

One week before my life starts to look pretty grim (seeing a list of all the side effects and hoping my body doesn't decide something that my mind doesn't want to admit could even happen) and now I don’t know what to do until we get there…

Do I spent the week by doing all the things I normally don’t do, or do I work like normal (or a little harder) and make sure that everything is good to go when I will be in Indy?

Maybe I’ll do both?



TexWisGirl said...

i think some normalcy is good to keep you from going absolutely bonkers as you count down the days, but at the same time, you deserve some special 'you' time too. you and bastiaan both...

Lisa Gordon said...

You do the things that will make you smile my friend. All those things that will make your heart happy.

Sending you hugs and prayers.

lisa. xo

Sush said...

Yes dear what brings you joy. Whatever you do remember you are loved and cared about by so many....


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I think you should do exactly what you want--Get done what you can, have fun, relax and whatever doesn't get done don't stress about it. Save your energy and know that many of us are thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and prayers!!

Julie said...

Do what you love, with those who love you most! Praying for you and wishing you a peaceful week of joy.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you choose should bring you pleasure. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you choose should bring you pleasure. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you choose should bring you pleasure. God bless.

Unknown said...

Go have fun and enjoy this weather while it lasts. When it's cold and icky out, you can do the normal stuff. Where exactly will you be, so I can try to come see you. Whatever you do, make sure it makes your heart feel good!

Unknown said...

A little routine to keep it normal, but yes, do things that make you happy. Waiting for it can be as bad as the battle. distract yourself. Prayers and hugs to you.

Jill said...

I wish that I could send Smudge to be with you this week..She would help you decide. I think you should do what makes you feel good! Smile and laugh.

Larkrise garden girl said...

Hi Leontien, My brave friend. Do something with Beauty. Sitting in a meadow. Walking with Bastian going to a movie or coffee shop with a loved one. Anything that makes you feel happy hugs cheri

It's me said...

Ik zou er een ik verwen mezelf vreselijk week van maken.......en zo jammer dat je zover weg woont !!..anders hadden we samen iets kunnen doen !!...ik hou wel van vreselijke verwen weken.....dat heeft een mens nodig soms...echttt!! knuffel van

Jill said...

My dear girl, you do whatever you damn well please! Make your heart happy. Sing and dance. Be with your loves...your husband. LOVE.

Prayers are with you.

LindaG said...

Do some of each, but especially what makes you happy.
*hugs* and prayers. God bless. ♥

BigD said...

Hey, Girl!
Hang in there! If I were you, I think I'd eat really well this week--all my favorites. (Even if that means chocolate cake for breakfast!) You're going to need the strength.

Julia said...

Dear Leoncien, there's nothing normal about the battle you are about to fight with all your might in one just one short week from now.

Be true to yourself and write down your emotions that you are feeling. Get them down on paper even though no one else may read it. Try not to stay in dark places but try to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your emotions are real, don't hide them. Let others love you and care for you because that's all they can do at the moment.

Rely on a higher power than your own for strength, it will be given to you and you'll get through this my friend.

Sending you love and prayers. Hugs Julia

Jeanie said...

Julia, above, sounds like a wise woman.....I agree with what she said. Do whatever you need to do to keep your mind in the most positive place it can be. Allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel. Let those that love you care for you.
As you can see, there is much love and many good wishes coming your way.

Oak Creek Ranch said...

Do what brings you the most peace. If that is work, then by all means work.

Kim said...

Spend the week doing whatever makes you happy. Leontien, focus on the happy and the positive. Please don't fret about the potential side effects - you have no control over that. Deal with things as they happen, if they happen.
You can control your attitude. Stay strong and positive friend, it will benefit you as much as the meds throughout this challenge.
Kick Cancer's Ass!

Buttons Thoughts said...

I think you should do whatever keeps your mind on you. Busy but not so busy as to forget what is truly important family and times with family and friends. If you love your work that is what you should do but if you are only worrying about work for your family while you are away I am sure they do not want that they want you to do what makes you happy. Be strong my dear Leontien everyone is cheering for you. B

Leah Beyer said...

I think you should party like it is your job! Work hard and play hard this week! Love you!

Rhonda said...

I think you needto do only what has to be done. Then, take time for you and your family. Get lots of rest and keep your strength up because you are going to need it.know that you have lots and lots of friends from all over praying for you.
May God bless you richly! I am sending hugs and prayers!

acorn hollow said...

Do what makes you smile and gives your heart joy. I am praying for you on your journey

acorn hollow said...

Do what makes you smile and gives your heart joy. I am praying for you on your journey

Samantha said...

A little normalcy and a little special time for you and your husband..

Your enormous cheering section is ready to go along with you!
Love to you, girl ((((( )))))

Chai Chai said...

I will pray for you.

Debbie said...

i hope you dance!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

My love and prayers are with you, Leontien. I am confident that you can win this battle also--just like you did the first time.

In the meantime, live life to its fullest this week--doing whatever you WANT to do.... Just relax and enjoy!!!!

Alica said...

I think you do whatever feels right at the time for you...don't stress more than you need to about how things will go at home while you're away! Let someone else take care of that! Praying for you!!! Hugs from PA!

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

take time for you, but try to keep a normal routine.. and prayer.. spend quiet time in prayer... and let your heart guide you.. Praying in Texas

Leenie said...

Take some time to pamper yourself. Very best wishes to you and your people in the battle.

Dolores said...

Go with your heart/mind, and whatever you choose will be 'right'...
I wish I could wave a magic wand and everything would be 'RIGHT, GOOD, PERFECT'.....
All I can do is say a prayer for you ..... and that I'm doing!!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

I'd say, do what feels right. Take it easy regardless, thinking of you and sending you good thoughts and prayers:)

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Do whatever you feel like doing each day. We're all pulling for you.

Chatty Crone said...

My vote is to pack -t hen go out and have fun - eat cake - bask in the sunshine - watch funny movies - just go out and have fun.

And pray - as we will all be doing for you.

Love, sandie

Saimi said...

I think you should do whatever you darn well please! Have fun while you do it too!!

Praying for ya!

Sharon said...

I was going to suggest what Chatty Crone did, but maybe just a tad more (sex) involved. Hit a spa and the two of you enjoy yourselves. Take lots of pictures. (Not for US, silly...) Feel beautiful.


Ms. A said...

Do whatever takes your mind off the stress, whether it's the normal stuff, or whimsy.


Melodie said...

One day at a time..I would imagine you will feel different everyday being on such a roller coaster of what makes you happy each day!

Angela said...

Looks like you have lots of great suggestions girl! I would just pick out what you want to do from those and do that.

Hugs & Prayers,

Susan said...

Do both! Having things in order will make you feel better during treatment. At least for me it's comforting to know all is well at home. But also do some stuff that you want to do. Enjoy your family,I know they will be there for you during the hard time. It's all gonna be ok. Really!


ann said...

Keep a positive outlook not everyone has all the side effects Bless you sweetie I am in your corner with my boxing gloves on.

Dreaming said...

I agree with you. I would do a little of everything. Enjoy a sampler plate! Take some time to get your mind in gear and get ready to face your enemy!!
Good luck. (((((HUGS)))))

TheCrankyCrow said...

Spend it, my dear Leontien, doing what, and being with those, you love the very best.....And only you know what that and those are...

You are so very beautiful....

Waiting with you - with prayers and best wishes....

Hugs & Smiles ~ Robin

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I love you.

Just so you know, I'm wearing a pink bracelet that says "fight like a girl" and I'm not taking it off until you are done with your treatments.

You are so much in my prayers and thoughts.

Ellie said...

I think you should do whatever you feel like doing. It's time to put yourself first.
Remember you may not get all of those horrible side effects. Stay positive.
Hugs to you.

Clint said...

Hug your horse. Kiss your cows. Make Bastiaan take you somewhere you have never been before. And remember that many people are praying for you. God bless.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

each of us is different, some need normal some don't, i say do what YOU want to and what keeps your mind off next week and on today. if you want to work, work, if you want to play, play. only you can know what will help you through this week, I pray now for you to have strength and a week of no stress or worry, that God will lift the thoughts from your mind and fill you with peace while you do whatever you choose. hugs

Arkansas Patti said...

Do both, leaning heaviest on the pleasure side. Clint said it well.

Tanna said...

follow your heart, dear one. follow your heart. blessings and continued prayers ~ tanna

Lori Skoog said...

Leontien...I vote for keeping busy. Draw energy from your friends and animals that will be there to comfort you while going through this. Farm girls are very different from all the rest...there is something about their strength that keeps them going. And as we all know, you are one kick ass woman.

Out on the prairie said...

Live life always to the fullest, that's what I do each day.

Rain said...

Sending you wheel barrows full of support and prayers my friend!! Am trying to post ur power panties on my blog-without success so far-but am trudging onward~as you will with your battle against evil forces!! Rock on !!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope you find a way to balance it all. Normal but some fun treats too :-)

don said...

This is an impressive list of "well wishers" who are all in your corner and wishing they could do some tangible to help. I think you'll do the normal things. Whereas some friends will not be able to go with you…this group will be there the minute you get online in Indy.
I too wish you all the best… a good trip, absence of side effects, and finally total success!

Sandi said...

You expressed it...a challenge and an opportunity. Blessings as you live this week in whatever way you find to be the best at that moment.

Again, I'm only 20 minutes from the major hospitals in Indianapolis. Let me know if you would like some person/person prayer.

Know I continue to hold you, and those who love you, up in my thoughts and my prayers.


Ricki Treleaven said...

This is all about you, babe. You decide what you want and how you want it.

Prayers and (((hugs))) from Alabama! :D

Janice Grinyer said...

I say do what makes you do normal, to remind you every moment that you are Leontien, not some doctor statistic - and this has to include lots of fun stuff because you are not the average dairy woman!

And I would have someone(s) help you get the house in order - lifes too short to waste on domestic chores (thats my life motto)...if it turns into a cleaning party, the more the merrier! I think for some reason lol you have A LOT of friends who would sign up :D - and make sure to have some chips and cheese and vino on hand - who cares if its only 10 am lol ;)? it will be the talk of the neighborhood - a cleaning party to remember! lol

Thinking of you and wishing you only the best wishes and great health! Cancer has no place in your life - so this upcoming round of treatment is there to "clean out the house and barn" so to speak! will they let you have cheese and crackers and vino in the hospital ;)? You already got the friends :)!!!

Jessica Nunemaker from little Indiana said...

All the above!

Do what makes you happy. Store up those memories so when the bad times can remember what it is you are fighting for.

We're with you!

Katrientje vanalles said...

misschien zoek je een middenweg tussen de twee.

Dreaming said...

I'm thinking of you again and I hope you are having a good time doing fun things!
I wanted to let you know that I passed on the "One Lovely Blog Award" to you. You are a lovely person with a lovely blog that I love reading!
I know you have a ton of stuff on your plate, so I understand if you don't do all of the things they say to do with the award, but do know that there are many out there who love you and your presences on the Internet!
See more about the award at:

John Blue said...

Whatever you do, do what you really love and are deeply interested in.

With positive thoughts,
John Blue

Gail Dixon said...

Take one day at a time and go with your heart. Indulge yourself and also do normal things. A little of each. Wishing you healing and blessings as you approach this difficult phase.

camp and cottage living said...

Just do whatever you feel like doing.
I am praying for you dear lady.
I'm looking forward to hearing your good reports and I'm praying most earnestly for the Lord to minimize your side effects.
God's Peace to you-Kimberly

Jodi said...

I say go with your gut and let the spirit lead. Don't waste a minute doing anything that doesn't feel right.

As always, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

I'm hoping all goes well for you and I think you should do a little of both.

Deone said...

Ok so I have tried posting now and this is my third try! I hope if works!! Leo.. Want you to know that Kyle and I are praying for you and pray you truly find some peace through this all! Love you and I will be there on Indy!!

Aimee @ said...

Live, Leontien. Live.

We're all there on the cusp, not knowing what will happen next and if we'll survive. Your battle makes you more aware of it, but we're all right there. And the best we can do is to take a deep breath and live.

Praying for your strength and courage.

Sandi said...

Just stopping in this morning to let you know I am thinking of you and praying for you...and again...for all who are caring and standing beside you.

Many Blessings, Leontien. ~ Sandi

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

bon bon said...

which ever brings you the most joy! (i think i know your answer...)

B said...

Hi Leontien, I'm glad I found your blog! When you left a comment on my blog all I could find was your website from your profile. But thanks to Lana I've now found you! Please know you've got one more person rooting for you and I've subscribed to your RSS feed so I can keep up with you. Sending lots of love and prayers your way!

Sultan said...

I think I would spend the time working on getting my mind as serene as possible. Good wishes to you.

Larkrise garden girl said...

Leontien, Sending a big hug been thinking about you and praying everything goes well this week ahead. Remember you have a zillion people holding your hand and praying for you and your not alone. Big warm hug Cheri

Aura said...

do what you enjoy, enjoy life and know there are many people rooting for you and praying for you

Unknown said...

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