Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who's afraid of heights?

I am afraid of heights.
Not as much as I am afraid of spiders.

Well... maybe...

I went to Australia a couple of years ago, and it was an absolute wonderful experience. The country is just gorgeous. What I liked the best was the fact that about every two days we had a different scenery. One day we would be at the shore looking at the sea and see the sun go down, the other day we would be in the middle of a rain forest. Well at least I thought it was a rain forest, it sure was hot and humid!

We saw mountains and we saw cows (of course) and very very disappointing, I have to admit, only ONE kangaroo, and I don’t even think it was a kangaroo but a walibi (big difference)! But we did see some koala’s which made up for the lack of kangaroos.

Everything was just fantastic until the day we got the “genius” idea to do something different…

This something different  was us scouting for fun things to do on our way from one destination to the other,  we needed some exercise as well and since we already walked besides the shore (where we found out we really needed good shoes, walking gear AND drinking water) and  the desert (which was just HOT again with crazy amounts of flies, EVERYWHERE but at least we brought water that time) we were very pleased when we saw a sign that said “Tree Top Walks” and an explanation of what a three top walk was (which is a path in the top of the trees, man made, which meant the path was made out of metal with little see true holes  in the bottom and attached with cables and/or laying on TALL round posts and SWAYING) and... some stunning pictures.

Being a little naive and blown away by the great pictures (good advertisement on their part) I thought this would help me get over my fear of heights and so I said “Ok, let’s do it!”

I really should have known better.

The beginning was not so bad.  The “path” started out at “ground level”, but quickly the dirt was not there anymore and we were up in the air. Yes, as long as I would look straight forward and went from tree to tree, it wasn’t so bad… But of course that was NOT the only thing I did.

Nooooo I had to look down, see how those cables where attached to those trees, and because I saw the cables I saw us moving slowly from the right to the left and back, and I did a little calculation that those posts on which this metal path WITH SEE TRUE HOLES was attached too was defiantly not strong enough to keep us up there!!!  Doing all this math is not a good thing when you are up 60 feet (i don't know how high we were, it was HIGH to me) in the air and afraid of heights….

Half way true the “walk” I decided I didn’t get no air anymore… “Well, and that I really was afraid and never ever should have attempt something as dumb as this”. But of course it was a bit too late for that and I hurried on down the half mile path…  pushing everybody out of my way and yelling to keep following me!

Do you know how long half a mile is?

It's pretty far…

I got to the other end and just went on my knees and cried like a little baby. You should have seen the looks on the faces of the other people that came of that path, they for sure thought I lost my mind, but I just could not stop myself!  And just as a reminder, you shouldn’t believe the people who tell you you look lovely after bawling your eyes out for 15 minutes either.  Lucky for me the whole thing was a loop and so I didn’t have to go back over that path to get to the car and face more people. Which would have added more shame upon embarrassment…

We went for some more scenery seeing in the safety of our car… which was just fine with me! I didn’t need no more exercise anyway that day…

I really love trees, love them in my yard, besides the roads, in forests, in pictures or paintings, with leafs or without leafs, but I am never going to attempt to do a three top walk again, EVER!!! There are just some things a girl sound not attempt twice…

Monday is coming closer and closer but I don’t quite know if that is a good thing or a bad thing… Guess we will find out soon! I did do some fun things (laying in the yard watching the cats play, called a bunch of good friends and chatted, went pantie shopping with my little sister. I worked at the farm, my little brother is getting really good at cracking those numbers. And read a lot of beautiful blogs, and i am soaking up all the LOVING you guys give me... Everything is going to be just fine...


don said...

A very funny account (at your expense) of how it is to tree top walk! My friend Janina lives in Australia and no doubt she will enjoy reading this if she visits your site today. A fine post!

Furry Bottoms said...

You're so awesome!!! I'm sorry I had to giggle at your expense, but what an experience!! I don't think I am afraid of heights, but then again, I haven't had many opportunity to be at high heights myself.

Everything is going to be fine, yes!

Clint said...

Leontien, you are a hoot. That tree walking idea sounds like fun, but I understand your fear. For me, it'd be the same if someone tried to get me to ride a ferris wheel. NO WAY. Ha.

Jill said...

I am with you...I would have run down the path too. That sounds very scary to me. Your description is fantastic...I can just picture you running past all of those people. I bet they thought something really bad was ahead..Ha! I know you will be strong on Monday! Thinking of you and praying for you.

Julia said...

Dear Leontien, it's nothing to be ashamed of to be afraid of heights. If God wanted you to be in the air, He'd given you some wings.

I'm glad that you had enough guts to try it out.

Wishing you a fun filled day with your friends and family. Worry about Monday when Monday comes.
Lots of love and prayers. JB

It's me said...

Ben in gedachten bij je !! liefs knuffel en owwwwww ik hou je even stevig vast !!!..liefs van

Sharon said...

It's so much better that you tried it out, than wondering all your life if you would have liked it. I have seen those tree top walks - there is no doubt in my mind that I would try it, but probably have the same results. :-)

Will be thinking of you on Monday!

Unknown said...

This post is a great metaphor for the next couple of weeks!! We will all be right there for you helping you to not look down!! And i'm sure we will all shed a couple tears when you cross the finish line!!!

Big hug!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I admire you for sticking it out even when the fear was so overwhelming. Tears of relief are nothing to be ashamed of!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Your description reminds me of the post I did last month in my attempt to climb Table Rock.
I started hyperventilating just reading your account.

I'm still praying hard for you and your upcoming fight.

Larkrise garden girl said...

Hi Leontien, Sometimes you think you can do something then realize it's not for you.I don't think I would have liked that either.Your such a good writer and all of us just love your stories.Believe it or not in my 20's I was a desert rat. I actually use to ride on three wheelers now they have quads with friends on the tops of dunes in the California desert but when it came to going down the sides of dunes. No way.

Katie said...

Fantastic analogy of this story and all that is facing you in the upcoming weeks.Keep fighting and here is a big hug from ND for you! (I also loved reading you went panty shopping. Skull panties?)

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh Leontien - I can so relate....When that swaying thing started, I would have ended up on my hands and knees and hanging on and they would have had to brought in rescue equipment to pry me loose. Then again, I probably wouldn't have been brave enough to have even gotten myself up there in the first place. You have a very special spirit and determination my friend, and know you'll finish next week's tree top walk in true Leontien style.....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Unknown said...

I would have been crying in those tree tops right there with you! As a kid we were always traveling to all these places that had such adventures and I was always terrified of heights!

Big hugs to you as you approach Monday. You will be in our thoughts and our prayers and on our minds. You just let us know what you need!

Ms. A said...

Better you than me, I'm hideous when I cry! At least you went up there, even if it scared you. I wouldn't have chanced it!

TexWisGirl said...

even with your fears, i admire your adventurous heart! :)

i'm glad you've been having a good week. you and feral woman are in my thoughts these days BIG TIME!!!

LindaG said...

I am very nearly the same with water. I can shower, I can bathe. But put me in water over my knees and I can't breathe.

*Hugs* and God bless, Leontien. ♥

Susan said...

I am deathly afraid of heights. I would not have been able to get as far as you did. I only went half way up the Empire State Building before I chickened out and went down.I laughed at your post, because I know exactly how you felt. Shivered a bit too. Leontien, you ARE going to be fine, I know it. I think of you alot, and you are in my prayers!!!!

Take care,


Cindy Ellison said...

Leontien, I would have probably cried, too. When I was young I was with some family and friends climbing a fire tower, I got scared, sat down on the steps and cried. I did pick myself up after a few minutes and went inside the tower at the top. On the other hand, aren't you proud you had the experience! ☺

Know we are all thinking of you! Clint and I are sending prayers, too! ♥♥♥♥♥

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

talk about facing your fears.... and do you know that the Bible tells us over 366 times to not fear or do not be afraid... I know that Jesus is walking this path in the trees with you.. and he does not want you to fear.. and baby, we all look gorgeous when we cry like a baby, no matter what anyone says.

Jill said...

Oh bless your heart! My heart was pounding just reading your story. Reminded me of a time I got "caught" in a very tight haunted house thing...I started pushing everyone in front of me...including a pregnant lady! I was so ashamed of myself but I couldn't help it!

I'm glad you've enjoyed the week. Sending you HUGE HUGS and tons of prayers, hon~

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

At least you had the courage to try it! You're going to be fine.

LuAnn said...

You encourage me, Leontien! An amazing lady you are. Sending hugs and a prayer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I don't do heights and would NOT walk in the top of trees. you did good to get through it. i don't do those cable cars that swing over wild rivers and gorges, or stand on cliffs and canyons.
I do believe you will be fine on Monday and in the future. I enjoyed your trip and i would love to see any or all of it

Lisa Gordon said...

What a beautiful post this is Leontien.
I truly enjoyed reading it (twice!!). Thank you!
Thinking of you often, and will be doing so especially on Monday. Keep that wonderful spirit my friend.
Sending you many hugs.

Ellie said...

You are a brave lady. I am scared of heights as well and I know I wouldn't have attempted that. You are a good writer and told the story well.
I'll be thinking of you on Monday. Hugs :))

Michelle said...

It WILL be just fine!!!!!

Arkansas Patti said...

I think you are quite brave. I am terrified of heights and would have to have been carried kicking and screaming from the tree tops.
Only good thoughts coming your way Monday.

Oak Creek Ranch said...

I'm afraid of heights too. I would have been running down that path too.
Good luck tomorrow. I'm thinking about you. My husband doesn't read blogs but I keep giving him updates on how you are doing. He's pulling for you too.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten as far as you did on that tree top walk. You were brave to try it.

Good luck on Monday. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh yes I would have been running and crying too and I would not care what anybody thought.
That sounds like a wonderful trip I am a little jealous I really would like to see that someday OK not the tree top thing:)
I am glad you went shopping with your sis and talked on the phone with friends. Your brother had a great teacher.
Thanks for the thanks it came today. I am going to get my passport so you and I will meet so kick that butt.
Take care my friend it is going to be alright. B

Jeanie said...

I'm with you, Leontien. I prefer to do my sightseeing from ground level.
I think it is a good thing that Monday is getting just means you are getting closer to being returned to good health.

Dreaming said...

So, you are afraid of heights... and afraid of what you are facing. But, you moved forward on your tree walk and you made it. Just as you will move forward on your new, scary path. We're there with you, at least in our hearts.
I'm glad you did some things for yourself and chatted with friends. When you went panty shopping, did you find any more with skulls and crossbones? Any with fire-breathing dragons on them?
Thanks for the commenting on my post about my dad, and for sympathizing with his computer issues! You are the sweetest!

Alica said...

Good for those tree tops a try! I am TERRIFIED of heights...not sure I could've done that!
I am, and will be thinking of you and praying for you Leontien!!

Unknown said...

Hey Girl, have been thinking of you and hoping all goes well.
About a month ago I ordered a gift for you online. The store can't seem to make it happen so I finally gave up and cancelled the order.
I know you have a lot on your mind right now and I'm sorry the store was so remiss. I really did want to send you some skull panties.
I hope I haven't caused you any undue stress in looking for the package.
Love & hugs.

Dolores said...

Oh my, I would have been crying too, but I couldn't/wouldn't do what you did....I'm so afraid of heights.

I love Australia too.....such a wide variety of beautiful scenery.

Keeping you in my prayers!

Tanna said...

You know the definition of bravery and courage is all about facing things that scare the crap out of you and doing them anyway; it is not about having no fear, but facing that fear. You embody courage and bravery. Prayers... and hugs and blessings ~ tanna

Unknown said...

So good to chat with you yesterday. I'm not to cracked on heights, especially when things are swaying and suspiciously attached to other swaying things!

The end result, though, was you faced your fear and made it. I think your life has been preparing you for these next few weeks, and while you will be frightened, probably cry, and not look your best at all times, you will get to the other side with all of us here cheering and praying you on!

Let us know what we can do for you as you get in to next week.

Love and hugs!

Susan said...

Praying each time you come to mind (which is often!) and sending so many positive thoughts that I might burst ...

My two acres said...

Once my son and husband climbed one of those fire lookout towers in the Black Hills. They went all the way to the top. I couldn't do it. I got freaked out and just stopped about halfway up and sat down and waited. And this thing wasn't doing any swaying!!!

You may not like heights, but you kept going. Just like you will with your latest challenge. We're praying for you!

Out on the prairie said...

That height thing canbe bad.My neighbor calls to have me change a light bulb, she is small and can't mange a step ladder. When I see the ladder out I know she has me in mind not her climbing it.

Chatty Crone said...

Such a good story and funny. I am not so sure I could ever do that - so experiencing it via you was great!

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I'm not even afraid of heights, but I think that would freak me out a bit! Lol! Always wanted to visit the land down under, great pictures and funny story. :)

Raindrops and Daisies said...

I'm not afraid of heights Leontien
but am very afraid of other things.

You are one courageous lady.

Take care of yourself.

x Fiona

Lori Skoog said...

Leontien...I will be thinking of you on Monday and hope we can be updated somehow. Yes indeed, you are one courageous person and I love your attitude.

All the best from Skoog Farm.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Leontien! Good thing you didn't see any giant spiders when you were up in those trees.

Anonymous said...

Dear Leontien, You have learned that to face your fears you have to look straight ahead, don't look down, and push forward. At the end of the road, if you need to fall on your knees and cry in relief, so be it. Just know we all love you and support you with all our prayers and well wishes.
Lot's of love,
Linda Montes

Charlotte Wilson said...


I dont' blame you one bit! I am deathly afraid of heights and will not be trying anything heroic like you did, thank you very much. LOL

You are so brave in fighting your cancer but somehow I know that you will be around for a loooonnnnng time.



Maartje Rijkers said...

Ha Leontien,
Hoop dat je veel leuke dingen met Hanneke hebt kunnen doen. Heel veel succes komende maandag.
X Maartje en ook een X van jarige Luuk

Julia said...

Hi Leontien, I'm keeping you in my prayers that everything will go well for you tomorrow Monday. Thinking of you. Hugs , prayers and love. JB

Not So Simply Single said...

Beautiful pictures!

I am not afraid of spiders, but I am afraid of snakes..!


Ricki Treleaven said...

I am pretty fearless, but I do not like being underground. Nope! Not me.

Sending prayers your way, hon.

{{{{{hugs}}}}} from Alabama
~Ricki Jill

Farmgirl5374 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Farmgirl5374 said...

You are a strong woman and get through anything. You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

Nanny Anna said...

A trip to Australia is on my 'To-Do-Soon" list. I have always loved to look at pictures, talk to my Australian virtual friends, and even talked my daughter into naming my first born granddaughter Sydney. Can't wait to go.

I am not as afraid of heights as you, so I might try that Tree Top long as there are no spiders there because I definitely am more afraid of spiders, lol.

Thank you so much for following my blog, that is how I discovered yours :-)

Your newest follower,

About Muriel said...

beautiful trees/pics..glad you were able to see Australia and take in a one of a kind experience....sounds like you are living every day and moment with love and to the fullest :)

Unknown said...

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