Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Yep, it sure is a Thankful Thursday

Although we have to go to the hospital today for some new head and body scans, at least I can look forward to the eardrum breaking noise and image for forty minutes that I am at a rave party…

Although we have to make choices every day that an 33 year old and her husband shouldn't have to make, we still wake up together every morning and feel very blessed... 

Although we don’t have any family over at the moment, and the house seems a bit empty, I treasure all the moments from past months when we enjoyed their company…

Although I haven’t posted, commented on stories, seen all your incredible pictures of flowers, texted, Facebooked or Twittered, talked or SEEN you in what looks like ages, I still think of you all EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Although we hadn’t had rain for over 6 weeks (more or less) the sun is shining and my own, very first, vegetable garden is doing AMAZING…

Although our ladies (yes the cows!) are having a hard time with all this heat, they know that we will do whatever it takes too keep them as cool and comfortable as possible…

Although we are still getting bad news every time we go see Dr Nala, at least I’m still here (feeling good physically besides the pain) and can give other people the false hope things are going well…

Fake It untill you Make It! Right?

I hope you have a FANTASTIC Thursday and Thank You for being the best support team anyone could possibly have!!!



TexWisGirl said...

you just made me cry. God bless you and baastian.

TexWisGirl said...

(sorry - i misspelled bastiaan). :)

a big hug and a smile for you today.

dr momi said...

We think of you all the time too Leontien....and we are still praying! Love the pic on the ferris wheel?!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think of you every day and am happy to see this post. you do a wonderful job of FAKING it.... hugs from Florida and thanks for updating us. sorry the heat is bothering your ladies, had not thought about that, now i will.

Jill said...

Bless your heart, beautiful lady. One does whatever one has to do to make have taught us all that. My heart is full for you today. I am thankful you were able to make this post today. I think of you so often and pray for you daily.

Anonymous said...

Reading your blog is like hearing your heartbeat. I'm so glad that you posted, even if you are faking it. ...Henri

Charlotte Wilson said...


You have such a beautiful spirit and a grateful heart. You are an inspiration. So happy to hear from you in this post!


don said...

There is a large host of people who think of you and support you (at least mentally) every day. It was really good to see your post and to learn of your latest situation. I saved your zoo picture for my iPad.
All the best, Leontien!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thinking about you and praying for you every day... God Bless You --and your family....

Jess Schira said...

Thinking about you every single day. ((((hugs))))

Ellie said...

Oh so good to hear from you.
I think of you often.
Sending you and your family lots of hugs and good wishes from Scotland. :))

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

It was so great to hear from you again. I can't imagine everything you are going through or experiencing, but know that you are constantly in my prayers.

I love the picture of you. Bless you.

Egberdien said...

Geef nooit op meid!!
Heel sterkte voor jullie allemaal en geniet van de momenten die jullie samen hebben en van het nu!!

Liefs Elmar & Egberdien

Unknown said...

Hugs. Thinking of you sweetie...

Lori Skoog said...

So happy to see a post! You are such a strong and beautiful woman with lots of spirit. Your flowers have been growing in your blog garden and it sounds like your vegetables are doing well too. in a million. Know that you are loved and appreciated by people all around the world.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Such a brave lady.

Thinking of you.

Keep strong

Fiona x

It's me said...

Lieverdje......wat leuk een post van je te lezen..geweldig ben ik blij ziet er goed uit !!...ook al......nou ja.....ik wil even zeggen dat ik van je hou als mens naar mens......en dat ik nog steeds voor je bid...en dat ik hoop blijf houden voor je......en gelukkig lees ik jij ook !!...liefs pakkerd van je taai he??

Ms. A said...

Leontien, I'm so sorry for what you are having to endure. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers and I'm SO GLAD TO SEE YOU POST!

Blessings to you and yours!

Stacie Raye said...

You have such a wonderful attitude inspite of your hardship. Continue on and be encouraged! :)


Rose H (UK) said...

What a lovely surprise to hear from you! You are a truly amazing lady, still thinking of you very often and sending all best wishes.
Rose H

Leah Beyer said...

Hugs! Wishing I had the words or power to make it better. Praying for god's comfort on you everyday.

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog for over a year and a half, and although I don't usually comment, I just wanted you to know that I look for your posts every day, and I've been worried that you haven't posted in the past couple months...thinking about you and praying for you and your family.

Not So Simply Single said...

Aloha beautiful Leontien....

Hope you have a beautiful day.

Praying for you from Maui....lots of love and aloha..


Larkrise garden girl said...

Leontien,I think of you and your family every day.Your such a good writer and have shared your feeling so bravely. I continue to pray for you and live every day as best you can.I wish I could give you a big hug.Hugs and Love Cheri

Oak Creek Ranch said...

Sending you a big hug --

Diana said...

Good for you Leontien! Keep the spirits up. No one should have to endure what you have. You do it so gracefully. I think you're amazing.
Love Di ♥

Sarah said...

Thinking of & praying for you, sweetie! We are behind you!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think of you all the time too! Sometimes I stop by here or your FB to make sure I haven't missed a post. I love that you have your first veggie garden (and I hope it's doing better than mine - it's been a slow year). I wish I could lift the burden of the pain you're having. Hugs to you.

Chatty Crone said...

I think all of us want you to know - that we pray for you all the time - even if we don't write all the time - we hate to bother you - but we are always always praying and wishing the best for you. I hope and pray you are enjoying each day. Love, sandie

Alica said...

It's so good to hear from you...I've been thinking of you and wondering how you're doing?! I'm sorry you have to go through this. What a nice picture of the two of you!!

Roland said...

Airhugs from me to you!
x Hanneke

Florida Farm Girl said...

Oh, I am so GLAD to hear from you!!! I've been wondering and wondering how you were doing. I'll keep saying prayers and sending good vibes in your direction. You just hang in there, okay???????? HUGS!!!!!


Kim said...

Great to hear from you! You are still in our prayers :)

Jeanne said...

May the sun shine on you and illuminate all that you have the chance to do.... every day. The power of now is such a blessing in our lives! Prayers for you!

GingerG17 said...

So glad to hear from you. We are all praying for you...keep up the fight!

Anonymous said...

Oh, goodness gracious it feels my heart to see you post. Thank you for your update, I am sorry you have to endure such pain and I pray for you daily and think of you all the time. I keep you in my prayers and your loving husband also. With fondest regards

Linda Montes

Lynne said...

Such a treat to see your name come across the reader. You are such an inspiration to me and many others. Leontien,
Although we don't know one another, I feel I know you through blogging friends we each know.

I can't imagine what these past many months have been for you. Keep fighting if you can . . . I will keep on caring and praying for you and I know there are tons of your friends in the blogosphere who are doing the same.

I love seeing you sitting with your sweet guy . . .

Yellow flowers remind me of you . . . I'll send some your way.
Love, Lynne

Sassafras and Winterberry said...

Good to hear from you! Hugs, prayers, white light, and many blessings coming your way!

Julia said...

Oh Leontien, you look so good sitting there with Bastien.

I'm so very glad that you are giving us an update. I hope that you will get some rain for your girls and your garden real soon.

You have been in my daily prayers and I know that you will beat this.

I love your positive attitude. You are a real winner.

Big hugs to both of you.

Love and prayers, JB

DFW said...

You don't know me either but you are such an inspiration! And, I think you are an amazing person as well. Thank you for your attitude and gracefull emotions.

nanthony said...

I was talking about you today. Hamg in there. I wish all this love would make you better. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Your post was touching. I know it's hard. Please keep postimg. Love and hugs from south carolina.

Sweet Virginia Breeze said...

So glad to hear from you. I think about you often and pray for you. Sending love your way ...

Arkansas Patti said...

You stay in my thoughts and prayers. It was so good to hear from you.
Be well dear lady and keep up the good fight.

LindaG said...

Think of you every day, Leontien. *hugs* and God bless you both every day. ♥

acorn hollow said...

So wonderful to see the post. You have the most amazing spirit. I think of you often and keep you in my prayers.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh great minds think alike. I wrote a letter and placed it in the mailbox first thing this morning as I could not get you out of my head. I like having you in there.
My Dear Leontien it pains me to know you are in pain and I pray everyday that you will not feel this and this will be the day you get that good news. I know you have an awesome family and friends surrounding you and do not ever doubt that everyone of us is with you everyday even though we have never met in person I truly want you to know you are loved.
Big HUGS my dear Leontien. Enjoy the rave party your sense of humour is still there. Love B. xxoo

Susan said...

I'm joining the club who think about you every day, Leontien. Before dinner each day, we pray for you too. The girls used to ask, "Who is Leontien?" Not anymore - you're like family now. I admire you in so many ways. It's so good to hear from you!

Amy said...

Although I wish you had news of miracles to report, I'm thankful to have heard your "voice" tonight. You've been on my mind. Prayers continuing.

Susan said...

Good on you Leontien... your ability to bring a bit of happiness into each day, whatever the source, is just brilliant.
Beaut Aussie wishes and hugs xx

Sush said...

Leontien...I've said it before and I'll say it are LIVING with cancer! You are such a blessing to everyone who comes in contact with you. I hope the pain is manageable, I know love helps and you seem to be surrounded with plenty!

Angela said...

It sure is great to see a new post from you. I hate it that you are having pain and pray that your scans went well. You look absolutely beautiful in that picture with your husband! Keep fighting girl! We are all praying for you!


deila taylor said...

thank you for sharing your photo and life of hope and bravery. you are among those that C.S. Lewis talked about in his book, "The Problem of Pain" -- you are a heroine for many of us. Your character shines through your hardships. You might not have beaten this cancer, but you have conquered the test of life. You are an example of goodness.

Unknown said...

All any of us gets is one day at a time. It looks like you are making the most out of each day as it comes. If only we all could do that so well!

Hugs and love my friend!

Gail Dixon said...

It's so good to see you posting again. I have been wondering how you've been! I admire your thankful and positive spirit. May God be with you today and the days ahead...

doublehphoto said...

You're an amazing woman Leontien. We're praying for you here in Wyoming!

Anonymous said...

So nice to hear from you and see that you are bravely carrying forward. I do hope you get some good news soon.

Michelle said...

So glad to see that picture of you! I think of you often and continue to pray that your recovery will be positive!

Jeanie said...

You are indeed dealing with something no young woman should ever have to think about, and you are doing it with admirable grace. You are thought about and prayed for every day. It is so good to hear from you.

Hoosier Farm Babe said...

You are an amazing woman, Leontien! You brought tears to my eyes. It's great to hear from you and it's refreshing to hear of your many blessings. We all should take such time to count our blessings and look on the bright side! I think of you and pray for you often, beautiful Miss Leontien!

Discovery School at First Baptist Heath said...

I love your spirit!! and that is what will help you win this battle...Loving you and praying without ceasing

Anonymous said...

It is great to read your post and see your picture. I am thinking of you everyday and hope that thing are going better. Hugs and kisses. Maria

Cor Houet said...


Inger said...

I think about you all the time too. It is wonderful to hear from you. I am so happy you have your Bastiaan at your side, always. You are a beautiful person, Leontien, and all of us who know you here on the blogs have come to love you. May God bless you and keep you safe.

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

It's good to see you, Leontien!
Your photo is beautiful and shows your shining spirit.
Will keep sending love and prayers your way.
~xo, Tina

Dolores said...

Your beautiful fighting spirit shines through on this beautiful picture of you......beautiful kitty cat too.

Please know that I keep you in my prayers!!!

trump said...

Fake it till you make it,lol. I remember that from the apprentice a few years ago. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon,Pa

Scriptor Senex said...

Love you.

Nancy said...

So happy to hear from you and see you dear Leontien -- your wonderful hubby as well.

Please know that we are all thinking of you every day -- and hoping for good news.

You are so courageous and we can all learn a lesson from you in grace.


Linda said...

It is hard to hold the tears back...God Bless you and your family!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Leotein, you and your husband are giving US your time...we are the ones who are BLESSED!...:)JP

Ivanhoe said...

I found you through Nancy of A Rural Journal.
Wishing and praying for some good news for you. Hang in there!
Sending you many, many hugs and flowers from Ohio,

rainfield61 said...


A thousands, a millions, ...

bon bon said...

it's wonderful to see you and your husband! you look absolutely radiant! i wish you felt that way as well, but as you said "fake it until you make it!"

much love!!

Unknown said...

It's so nice to see your post, thank you for updating us. Am thinking of you over here in Ireland. Love, Eva

Tina´s PicStory said...

with your words you are giving strength to others! all my best wishes for you ♥

Catches the Eye said...

Hi Leontien it was really good to see a post from you today. You are indeed a lovely Lady sending you a Hug from across the Pond.
Always in my Thoughts.
Sheila xx

Tammy said...

Thinking of you! Beautiful photos! Keep smilin!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Praying for you and Bastiaan & sending virtual {{hugs}}

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

Thinking of you always, and wishing you thousands of happy days - sunny ones, rainy ones, windy ones... oh, all sorts. I pray for you, little girl, and hope with all my heart that all your troubles go away, far away!!
Love you, Leontien.

Janice Grinyer said...

but while youre faking it you end up realizing you are making the most of life, you silly goose! So keep it up girl, the world awaits you !!

In the meanwhile, Im not even in remission yet and now im fighting wildfires - who'd thought? LOL but dang it Im going to do it with a smile and if this is the way I go out, so be it ;) KEEP ON FAKIN' !!

Love that picture of you and hubby - you two are perfect for each other!


Dawning Inspiration said...

praying for you.... Hugs and may you feel the Lord surround you today in a remarkable way.

Tanna said...

Hugs and prayers and hopes that there WILL BE good news. xoxo ~ tanna
ps thank you for asking. i am doing very, very well. i wish the same for you.

Unknown said...

My Dear Leontien!

Such a relief to hear from you! Glad you are taking it all in: the memories, the sun, the garden! We've been enjoying 108 degree weather here and no rain as well. Our gentlemen in the yard are prostesting vehemently - you know how boys can be! ;) Glad your ladies are coping better!

I pray and think of you everyday even though we've never met and only exchanged a few posts on each others blogs. I wish you to know your strength is felt through your words. You radiate it from where ever you may be. In the moment, you may not feel it, but we do, the people who read your blog, the people who have the privledge of knowing you. We feel you hundreds of miles away. You are unimaginably strong. You are an exceptionally amazing woman. You are extraordinary in so many awesome ways!

I pray you receive rain. A clensing rain. One that washes away the heat. One that washes away the pain. One that brings relief!

Thoughts and prayers and care bear stares your way, lady!


Deborah said...

my heart felt prayers to you, your husband and your family!

Keep the faith ...

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and keeping you in my heart.

holdingmoments said...

A real fighter. xx

Becky said...

I was SO glad to hear from you this morning, and congratulations on being my 100 follower. It brings good luck you know :~)
I just finished reading all about you and your farm. What a wonderful operation, and what a busy place you have here. I am a farmer girl at heart, but over the years as I have gotten older, I have whittled down to just laying hens and barn cats. I used to have dairy goats, beef cows, and donkeys, but now with my husband having Dementia, I feel my time with him is more important. I still love selling eggs, and going to the barn at least three times a day to collect eggs, is somewhat like Christmas. There is always a "present" from some of the girls..We ( our son helping) are in the process of rearranging the barn in hopes I can get some homing pigeons. It's something I've always wanted to do, and looking forward to the experience.
I will try to look in on you more often. Keep up the good work and stop by when you can. I'll keep you in my prayers too. This is a rough road I know, but happy endings are out there for sure. God Bless!

Jill said...

Sending you prayers and healing thoughts. Smudge says HI!

Ed Pilolla said...

i have thought of you as well. the garden knows:) love and peace, ed.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi- its me Tweedles
I just came from my corner of the world to check on you!
And here you are you recently did a post!
I wanted to let you know I think of you every single day- and I send you healing thoughts.

Susan said...

I think of you all the time, wishing and hoping that you are well. I wish you weren't in pain, but I'm so glad you have your darling husband! My prayers are with you dear one!

Jim said...

Well I finally get to meet you Leontien. Nancy from Rural Journal 'introduced' me to you and I was so impressed with the number of people sending you positive energy from all over the world.
Good to 'see' you and your incredible outlook. You are truly inspirational. Thank you.

fromsophiesview said...

Hi Ho's Sophie-The Licker of Doodles...sending you warm and cuddling love nudges. SO happy the flowers put some happy into your world...If you need more just whistle!

ann said...

You are still in my prayers and will be. So glad to see you blogging You are a sweetheart.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I am so happy to see your post, Leontien!! I've been thinking about you and you are always in my prayers. My prayer is that you will get some good news for a change and that the pain will subside. You have a beautiful smile and a great attitude, dear Leontien. Just know you are thought of, prayed for, and loved! Say hello to Bastiaan and tell him we are thinking of him, too!

Marie said...

I'm so happy to see this post of yours! I've been behind in blogland, so today I'm playing catch up.
I just saw some cows and horses again here in the it!
Glad your girls are in such good hands. :)
You have stayed in my thoughts and prayers! You look wonderful in this pic! Keep that smile and stay strong!
With love & hugs,

Debbie said...

one big ole' hug from new jersey!!

you look amazing, your rockin that hat!!

welcome to "holland" girfriend, it's not always easy but it's always worth it!!

every single flower i pick, i think of you!! xo

Anonymous said...

So many of us whine and complain about the teeniest little thing - you are such an inspiration. Sending lots of prayers and hugs!

Anonymous said...

It is my first visit to your blog - I am so glad that I came by. Thank you for this post and I sincerely wish you the best. :)

Anonymous said...

You were sweet to stop by my blog and comment--my flowers were such a small gesture to show support as I could...hope they brought you a smile! Sending a virtual hug and best wishes!

Ladytee said...

WOW...Leontien I had to scroll all the way down to #102 to make a comment! Look how much you're thought about and loved. I'm so happy to hear from you. Glad you are at least in good spirits. My prayers are always with you. Big {{{Hugs}}}...stay positive I know I will. Much ♥ Sonya

Anonymous said...

You are one very special lady.. God Bless You!

Pat said...

So great to hear from you! Sending hugs and prayers.

Dimple said...

Dear Leontien,
Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and leave two comments, I am blessed.

It is good to be thankful every day, it helps us see the happy things. I am glad you found things to be thankful for!


Carol Lee said...

I am i read this post first thing in the morning, it cheered me up and feels like this day is gonna be a good day. Thanks!

portfolio optimization

BlueShell said...

I was so glad when I saw your 2 comments on my blog!!! I am so sorry that you have to "fake"! But I'll keep praying, dear! I do understand every word: my husband had intestine cancer 2 era ago and he is now By my side. I wake up every morning and I feel blessed.
And you must have Faith: science is making progress every day!Hope...hope and Faith, Leontien!
Sometimes we think "It is not fair!!! " Sometimes we do get mad...I know. But think you are not have never been...You'll never be alone! We are here, your husband is with you...and God will Provide! Just BELIEVE!
All my tenderness,
Isabel, aka, Blueshell

Rose H (UK) said...

Just popped back to send love.
Thank you for leaving such lovely comments :o)
From me and the egles!
Rose H

Gerrit Arendsen said...

Hallo fam vd Laar, hallo Leontien,

Met mijn zoon Edwin waren wij met een kort bezoek bij jullie eind April, ik kom altijd graag bij jullie (buurten!) hadden een goed gesprek bij een bakje koffie van jouw Moeder, daarne een rondje met Wim en Willem en ook hebben we Bastiaan gesproken en we waren weer onder de indruk, Leontien het gesprek ging ook veel over jouw, jij was op dat moment thuis zij je Vader. Leontien wij kennen elkaar nauwelijks maar ben toch enorm onder de indruk zoals jij alles moet doorstaan en je erdoor slaat. Wij moeten veel aan jouw en jouw familie denken en in gesprekken met anderen vertel ik veel over jullie doorzettingsvermogen wat ik ontzettend bewonder. We hopen dat het iets bijdraagt in jullie strijd en dat het de pijn en verdriet iets verlichten kan. Wij blijven aan jullie denken en hopen jullie daarmee te ondersteunen.

Heel veel ondersteunende groeten van, Fam Gerrit Arendsen

Inger said...

Dear Leontien, I'm back again to thank you for stopping by my blog. I am so glad you enjoyed the flowers. The ones I sent you were from a Swedish midsummer bouquet. They seemed to me to be just right for you, simple and sweet. I'm sending you lots of love and some more hugs. You truly are an inspiration to us all. -- Inger

Cinderella said...

Hope you had a sparkly 4th of July, dear Leontien. Any results on the latest MRI yet?

Very glad that you are still here and you are so thoughtful to blog and keep in touch, dear Leontien.

You sound like you are cherishing every good moment you have. So smart.
You make me realize it is so important never to take things for granted, but to appreciate them.

Sending many hugs, healing wishes and loving thoughts your way.
The world is a sweeter place with you in it:)

BlueShell said...

Hi, again: Have a blessed day dear.

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Hi Leontien,
Sorry I haven't been around much lately, you are always in my thoughts. Sending my love and hugs always xxxx

Bonnie said...

Keeping in my thoughts and prayers.

geetlee said...

Many many hugs Leontien

Ricki Treleaven said...

Sweet are so amazing, truly. Keep fighting, and I will keep praying!

toko baju murah layali said...

Great post,I really like your article

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its me Tweedles again,,, I just want to tell you I love you... and still say millions of prayers for you.

Lisa Gordon said...

You are such a brave woman, and you have such a beautiful spirit. You are always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody heard from Leontien in 'real life' and is she okay?

Cancer blogs are almost always so heartbreaking. I'd hate to lose her, almost as much as she would hate to have lost her life.

Senidng hugs and love to her Spirit.

Please if anyone knows how she is doing, can you post a comment and let us know?

Thank you.

Janice Grinyer said...

Leotien, i walked in the woods this week - they paid me to :).

and i didnt fall down, nor get tired. but they gave me the easiest stuff to do, in a former life I would have been insulted. but this time I liked being about to walk a straight line and no hills...

So i walked in the woods, measured the trees, and I didnt fall down. and I got paid - a lot more then just money...I am alive.

I am hoping you are kicking it where ever you are, and watching the leaves slowly change that beautiful color that they do. I am :)
hugs to (((Leontien)))

Marie said...

Just wanted to stop by and tell you that you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly. I don't have a facebook account so I have to contact you thru here.
I hope you are having success with your health.

YONKS said...

How are you doing? Thinking of you :-)

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Leontien I am just checking up on you again. Feral Woman's comment is so right. You are alive and loved by so many. Your struggles are so very hard I know but boy the love and support you have will surely get you through this.
I really wish I could actually put my arms around you and say this. Take care my dear Leontien. HUGS XXOO B

Buttons Thoughts said...

Jo Dee I have seen the most beautiful photo of Leontien and her dear husband on Facebook she looks well. She also has a photo of her and her brother they both have the same nice haircut:)
She is loved and fine as far as I know. This is the ONLY reason I have a Facebook account just to keep up on her.
We love you Leontien. B

GardenOfDaisies said...

You are an incredibly strong woman. Sending hugs and prayers and all good wishes.

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