Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Old Hands...

My hands look like the hands of an 80 year old lady
My hands hurt like the hands of an 80 year old lady

I sometimes feel like a lady who has lived 80 years, just by looking at my hands…

And yes, this might have to do with the fact that we were in the emergency room for over ten hours… Well… and the fact that they used my hands as a (several) pin cushion(s)… And, maybe, the fact that we had to stay in the hospital (again) for over 10 days because I had an unexplained fever… Oh… and the pneumonia that we didn't know I had…

Good thing I that I can open my own bottle of water again, with these old hands, it is kind of a bother to keep asking people to open up bottles of water when you are supposed to keep hydrated... (Thank You Mommy, Daddy, Hanneke, Jan Willem, Megan and of course my everything: Bastiaan!!).

It is also a good thing too that I am home. I like being home. Bastiaan and I have been throwing this idea around to rent a big camper and to go “see” places (you know, normally we would do this when we would be 70+), but plans have to be adjusted sometimes... I like to be home for now.

Besides opening water bottles it is also a nice thing to be able to “do” things again. Like (and this keeps repeating itself for some strange reason…) going to the bathroom by myself without falling of the “pot”, putting socks on (I like my socks and I have not one pair of toe slipper thingies so, I need socks…), playing with my new phone, getting in our lovely bathtub, and more important, getting out of the bathtub… and typing new blog posts and doing the “Facebook thing”, gosh, I hope they don’t drop the “timeline” disaster on me any time soon…

I can’t vacuum the house yet, but I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a “bad” thing. Hehe…

We are having a hard time (not that it was not hard before) but we got quite a shock from the horrible hospital experience two weeks ago, don’t get me wrong, the nurses and (most) of the doctors were really nice, it was just the overall experience of being a test bunny that got to me and Bastiaan & the family (and the pain). I do not mind being a test bunny if it will help other people with this grueling disease but… just don’t let me FEEL like a hurting test bunny…

And to be completely honest, I do not know how many times I can crawl out of a 10 meter deep hole (hmmm that would be 33 feet…) again…

Yes, we had to stop the Zelboraf treatment because of the pneumonia & fever (which they never really figured out after giving me 7 different antibiotics; "which one did the trick...?", and yes the docs really like me to start again as soon as possible, but… I just don’t feel ready yet…

Maybe if my hands look like my hands again instead of the hands of a 80 year old lady and more important they don’t hurt anymore, and I have seen me some cute looking girls (almost as good as seeing a beautiful black stallion ;-)) at the dairy, we’ll be ready to do round number four…


I just love being home right now.



Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Ahhhhh Leotien! {{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}
I bet your hands look strong and have done so many things other hands haven't ever had to do.

I'm sorry the experimental drug didn't work, I'm sorry that you were in the hospital so long, I'm sorry you kept falling off the pot. I won't take that for granted again.

I love you my friend. Prayers continue. I hope you rent an RV and travel everywhere!

Your pictures were lovely. What kind of new phone? Need pictures of new baby calves and colts!

Katie said...

Leontien, you are brave. You are bold. And I highly recommend renting that big camper and going on a road trip with your husband! I'm so happy you are home and praying for next steps and healing. Thinking of you daily and praying in ND!Come to ND on your road trip!

Unknown said...

Leo - I am sending all my love, thoughts and prayers your way - you have been on my mind a lot lately - always since we met and this nasty started in on you again but even more so on the top of my mind lately - YOU TRULY ARE AMAZING old hands or not - I am so proud to know you! I am so glad that you are home and so glad that you are enjoying it you deserve to soak in every second! HUGS!

Anonymous said...

Hé lieverd,

Wat een aangrijpend verhaal heb je geschreven. Zou willen dat we de pijn bij je weg konden nemen. We denken veel aan jullie. Dikke kus en knuffel voor iedereen van ons.

Liefs Miranda en natuurlijk ook van Ed, Lotte en Juul

Ricki Treleaven said...

Enjoy your time at home. I pray peace and tranquility for you. Thank-you for the update. You are such a wonderfully brave and giving person. You are such an amazing encourager to us all when we should be encouraging you!

Take care of yourself, and I hope that you get well enough to vacuum, but never HAVE to do it ;P

(((((hugs))))) from Alabama,
Ricki Jill

GingerG17 said...

So glad you're home...there's nothing quite like it.

You are never far from my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

So glad to hear from you and know how you are doing. Cannot blame you for wanting to take a break from it all and just soak up the wonderful feeling and energy of being home. You are always in my thoughts and prayers. I'm glad you are doing what feels right for you. I have a song I would love for you to hear: It always makes me smile and appreciate each day. It's by Jerry Reed, an ornery old country boy, who could make me laugh so hardin a TV show or movie (He was in the Smokey and the Bandit movies), but turn around and make me shed a tear with his music. Here's the link:

Hugs and love as always!

Sharon said...

There really is "No place like home" and your home is with Bastiaan, even on the road. I hope you get to go on a road trip and see many sun rises and sunsets.

Don't ever knock the fact that you need help, there are more willing "hands" to help you than you know.


Out on the prairie said...

Lovely to hear from you. The grass even looks greener after a long hospital stay. Tough road to have to travel going through the treatments, you have a strong will .

Lori Skoog said...


So glad that you are able to spend time at home with the ability to do some things that you have been missing. Your poor hands! I really appreciated seeing a post by you...needed an update. Pretty soon you will feel well enough to go on a vacation with Bastiaan and can take lots of pictures.
Think of you often...sending you all the best.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

I'm so glad you're home! I say lay off the vacuuming...even if you're "able" to do it. ;) Praying for your continued healing and strength! It is good to hear from you!

DeDe Hausmann said...

Prayers and good thoughts coming your way. Keep positive and God Bless!!!

Florida Farm Girl said...

Leontien -- I'm so glad to hear how you are doing and know that you're in pretty good spirits. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers every day. You are a remarkable woman. Hugs to you and Bastiann every day!!!!

Unknown said...

You are amazing, Leontien. Your Grace is unbelievable through this whole thing...thinking of you often.

Alica said...

You are amazing Leontien! We've been thinking of you a lot, and I hope you can get some rest and relief from this tiresome battle. It must feel so good to be home around the people you love! ((((hugs)))) from PA!

Jill said...

You give me so much inspiration. I bet you are glad to be home. I hope that your strength returns soon from that awful pneumonia and fever. Praying for you and thinking of you often. Smudge just had some surgery and I am having a hard time keeping her still. She is bouncing off the walls and driving us nuts. Ha ha..Love to you.

Rose H (UK) said...

I've been wondering how you were, and somehow missed your last post...
You may have the hands of an 80 year old, but your heart isn't 80 or anywhere near.
So sorry that you have to go through such painful treatment, I send ALL of my best wishes and a gentle hug for you too.
Rose H

TexWisGirl said...

oh, sweetie. SOOO good to hear from you. i see your face around blogland from all the people who have postings for your support and i think of you and send you good thoughts. i'm sorry for this latest round. glad they finally got the fever and pneumonia under control. i am glad you are home, at least for now. just know we are all pulling for you. :)

don said...

I'm sorry life if putting you such a wringer! Your experience with the experimental drug did not come out as I had wished. I have those 80 year-old hands that hurt when I open a bottle of gatoraide so I know first hand a little what you're relating. I'm so glad you are home in surroundings with feel more comfortable.
Through all of this, your spirit and spunk are such a model for all of us going down life's path. I just hope and pray that things will turn around with a more favorable outcome very soon. If it's appropriate, I send a hug too. We all care very much about you...our friend, blogger, and champion in how to live!

Jill said...

How good it is to hear from you! I can't begin to tell you how often I think of (and pray) for you. You are a bold, brave, loving girl. I wish only good things for you, hon. Follow your heart.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am overjoyed to see a post here. i have seen a little on FB but when this showed up i got really excited. this is a hard story to read about so i can't imagine how it feels to LIVE IT. you have so many people, even people you don't know praying for you. I have OLD hands but mine are because they ARE OLD hands..LOL. the RV sounds great to me. Like Jill said, follow your heart.. hugs

Janice Grinyer said...

Home is a good place to rest and heal-and your home sounds extra special...but Im sure to you really special after the tester-antibiotic-bunny run at the hospital! I hope you so never have to do that again...

I am wishing and praying that your pain becomes a thing of the past - and those old lady hands too - and that your spirit gets the best of the bestest extra attention it needs... and YAY for good SOCKS!!! Maybe we should start a sock shower for you so that you will always have clean socks on lol!

Julia said...

Oh Leontien, I'm so happy to hear from you. You have been through so much. I'm so sorry that you have been used as a test bunny but I sure hope that they can help you.
I know the pain of uncertainty in dealing with cancer but I'm so happy that your are back home with your loving family and Bastien.

Thanks so much for this post sweetie. I'm still praying. BIG HUGS & LOVE.


Anonymous said...

Oost West Thuis Best... Geniet nu even lekker van het thuis zijn.

En hopelijk komt het gauw goed met je handen.



Oak Creek Ranch said...

I am so happy you are home and so happy to hear from you. I think about you often. I'm going to try and find your FB page -- I think there are more frequent updates there...?

It's me said...

Meissie meissie meissie toch wat vreselijk voor je dat je dit allemaal moet meemaken......ik denk zoveel aan je.......en ga er zo van uit dat jij zo sterk bent dat je het gaat redden.......echt waar mijn gevoel zegt...die Leontien dat komt goed...ik bid me te pletter voor je.....denk aan je ......en aan je hele famillie....en op de goede afloop meis....daar gaan we voor....dikke kus van

LindaG said...

*hugs* ♥
I have been thinking of you and praying for you every day.
I hate when they keep poking me. I don't like needles. I can only imagine how it was for you.

It's good to hear from you, Leontien. Enjoy being home. ♥

Rain said...

Oh Leontein! so glad to see your posts-you are in so many of your peeps here-thoughts and prayers! Blessings to you and your family-you are such a strong,wild,and wonderful women! My prayers and good thoughts are with you still and always~~Rain

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think of you every single day. I wish things weren't so tough. You've been through so much and I hate to hear that more illnesses have come. I hope your hands heal quickly so you can open all the water your heart desires.

I've always wanted to rent an RV and drive across the country too. It'd be quite an experience!

Feel better, Leontien. Enjoy your time at home - I hope it brings you much comfort.

Mike said...

Good you are home. I know it feels better than the hospital.

Get yourself a new camera when you purchase the RV. Don't want to miss any good pictures of y'alls' trip.

Larkrise garden girl said...

Leontien,You have learned a lifetime of what's important that some people never learn in their lives. Your Life is a Love letter to all of us and such a brave young woman. My daughter has been ill so much this year and when I hear your story I relate so well to the medical tests and all the stuff they do to try to get you better. Know were all praying for you and your words have such an impact on all your blogger friends! Hugs Cheri

Ellie said...

Oh Leontien it is so good to hear from you. I'm so sorry you are having all of this trouble but am glad you are back home and happy to be there.
You really should go on a road trip with your husband - sounds exciting.
Take care Leontien - I am thinking of you often

Chatty Crone said...

Leontien you have so many people who love you here. You're on a lot of blogs. So many prayers. I feel you are glad to be home. I almost feel an acceptance of sorts like you are taking control of the situation. I hope your dear hands feel better soon. I'm glad your out of the hospital and home. Listen to your heart - It might be fun to travel. I wish i could do more then pray - but pray I will.
love, sandie

Becky said...

All the best to you,you are a very brave soul.Upbeat and still feeling free to roam and enjoy.I hope you do go on a trip,enjoy it to the maxxx!God Bless you and all my prayers are with you.

Inger said...

Dear Leontien, Every time I open my blog, I look for a post from you.

It's too bad that you had to go through so much without being able to go through with that particular drug. But I am glad to hear that you are at home with your husband and your animals. I know this will make you stronger. I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Sending good thoughts and hugs, Inger

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Leontien, I don't know what to say that others have not, so I will just say that I echo those same feelings, and continue to say those same prayers for you. Take that trip, enjoy the beauty of the season, rest and never forget that we're all thinking of you!

Diana said...

I love your positive attitude despite all that you've been through Leontien. If it helps any, my hands look very old too but I don't care. It's what we do with them that count right? Hugs to you, Love Di ♥

camp and cottage living said...

I am sorry to hear of all the pain you've had to deal with. But I'm so glad to hear you are home and able again to do some of the things we all take for granted.
A trip to see the sites would be great. I hope you do it!
I continue to pray.
God Bless Dear Lady

acorn hollow said...

leontien, I think of you so often and keep you in my prayers. I too think that you should get that camper and see what you want to see.time together to recharge those batteries.
Blessings to you!

Ms. A said...

It's so good to hear from you! Sorry you have had to go through so darn much. I'm still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy your time at home, remember... there's no place like home... there's no place like home...

Saimi said...

You are so incredible I'm in awe by your strength and positive attitude! Beautiful sunset!

Susan said...

Leontien, I was so happy to see your latest post! I so wish you were feeling better! I can only imagine how wonderful it must be to be home after so many stays in the hospital.
Maybe when you are ready, a camper might be nice to travel around and see some new sights. Take care sweetie, and God bless you!

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

So happy to hear your home. Sorry to hear how much pain you've been in and about the awful pneumonia. I think getting a camper and seeing the sights once you're ready might be a wonderful change for you. God bless - I'm thinking of you.

Sush said... are one fantastic, loving and phenomenal lovely lady! I hope your hands and heart heal from all you've been forging through and you take that trip in the RV!
We spent 12 hours in the emergency room with my husband last Sat before he was admitted or even given a meal. He's fine and home and I don't know how you keep on keeping on but I'm praying for you every day sweet one!
Much love....many prayers and wishes on angels wings for healing!

Dolores said...

It's so good to hear from you. I keep you in my daily thoughts and prayers. You're my inspiration!!

Your pictures are so pretty!

bon bon said...

i'm glad to hear you're home. wish the circumstances were better, and you felt like your "old" self again, instead of feeling like your "older" self. you're fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family. i hope your road to recovery turns into that camping trip real soon. xo

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

As Dorothy said, "there's no place like home." I'm so sorry the drug didn't work for ya and you were so stinkin' sick. I wish I could reach through this thing and give ya a big old hugs but my prayers will have to do and believe me, you have my prayers sweetie!!!

Answer 'bout the napkin eatin' fellow. I watched the guy for years sittin' in a booth at the Main Street Cafe. He'd finish his meal and wad up a napkin' and eat it. He might finish off three napkins before he was through.

Kathy tell me her sequel to The Hillbilly Debutante Cafe will feature his man as one of the main characters.

God bless ya sweetie and please take care. Hugs and prayers headed your way my friend. :o)

Have a beautiful day!

Amy said...

Praying for you. It sounds like you are moving in your own time (well, as much of your own as you can control). Be home. Enjoy home. And then when you want to do something different, do it.

Laura said...

Welcome home, my love, and enjoy being there.. and ignore the vacuuming as long as possible - I know I do :)

All my love, and I hope you feel stronger soon
Laura x

Dreaming said...

You are a saint.... or the energizer bunny. Maybe both! You have been through so much and keep on going - with humor!
Welcome home. I can only imagine how good it must feel to be in your own bed and have your own things around you.
Thank you for posting and keeping us in the loop.
God Bless You!

Mary said...

Peace to you Leontien.

Cindy Ellison said...

Leontien, I am so happy to hear you are home. Thank you for the updates and know we are all praying for you. I am anxious to see some more spring-like photos from the dairy. ♥

geetlee said...

sending you many many hugs. you are so brave and so strong. thank you for sharing your life with us. thank you for being so honest and for your sense of humor. your spirit is so inspiring!

Marie said...

Leontien, It's so good to hear from you. I see your face everyday and wonder what is going on with you. I'm so glad your home. I think you should do whatever puts a smile on your face. :) You are such a brave and strong woman. Thank you for taking the time to stay in touch with us all. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Dear Leontien, thank you so much for visiting my blog ^_^ I must say that I admire your attitude. ANd such beautiful photos! Have a fantastic day my friend!
Big hugs xx

Anonymous said...

Dearest Leontien, It is so good to see you post. I think and pray for you often. May you continue to have that strength that makes you an such an awesome individual. I am sorry that your hands hurt and I hope that they get to feeling better soon. Enjoy being home with your family. Lots of Love, and best wishes.

Cinderella said...

Oh my poor dear Leontien,
I am so sorry that you hurt!

Cancer treatments are so brutal sometimes I wonder if the time they allegedly buy you is worth the pain / discomfort / other problems that it causes that they put you through.

Good to see you posting though. Lots of love is being sent your way too:)

Enjoy the time you have. Go see what you want to see and do what you have energy for -- and let the doctors use someone else as a guessing game pincushion!

My heart just goes out to you for all the hurt you've been through, Leontien.

Even if your time is limited, I want you to be able to have good days, like you did before they started their potions and machines!

Quality of life is everything. Enjoying what you can, when you can with those you love.

((hugs and more hugs))

Susan Shilo said...

Leontine....Home is where the heart is, and that's why it is the best place to be!! I know your journey has been hard and must have felt like climbing uphill all the way, but remember, you were never alone. God was with you and carried you when you were too sick to go on. "There by the Grace of God go I"...He is with you; you are not alone; and his angels are with you always!!! Leontine...Always have faith and the rest will follow!! You are loved by many!!!

Dawson Cattle Company said...

our hands are a mirror of our lifes journey. your journey has just had some bumps. take care of yourself. sometimes the best thing to do is just be.. and being at home can do that for. love and well wishes to you and your family!

Arkansas Patti said...

It was so good to see a post from you even if it wasn't the best of news, at least you are home. I always look for your post and think of you almost every day. You remain in my prayers and I hope soon this will all be just a nasty nightmare and health will again be yours.
Keep fighting special lady, you will win.

Poppy (aka Val) said...

So glad to read this post :) And thank you for popping by my page. I am really pleased that you are home, I have been thinking of you, and sending best wishes from England. I have old lady hands not from any particular reason, they just look old!! I hope yours improve very soon. Sending you lots of hugs, take care xxx

Tanna said...

OH, I don't care if your hands seem like an 80 year olds right now, Leontien! I'm just glad they are your hands and you are able to use them some. I've been diagnosed with melanoma this week. It is a long story, but I believe it will be okay. I have never stopped holding you in my thoughts and I am sending big prayers your way on a regular basis. Hang in there, girl. Your hands will look like your own again. For now, they are perfect like they are. Hugs and blessings ~ tanna

Buttons Thoughts said...

I am so proud of you you are so brave and I do not care if your hands look old I do wish they were not hurting.
You are home and for now that is what you should concentrate on. Your home your family your socks and your tub oh yes I must not forget your pot:)
I am so happy you are home enjoy my dear friend you are going to make it I know things are going to be better then you and Baastien can do that trip in your 70's
Thank you for the nice card you are loved and do not forget that. HUGS and kisses.B

Tanna said...

Leontien, I tried to send an e-mail to your hotmail address on your facebook badge... it was the only one I could see. {{Hugs}} t.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sweet Lady, It's good to hear from you --even though I hate hearing how much pain you have been in... I pray for you each and every single day.

I am glad that you are at home now... BUT--if I were you (once you feel better), I think I'd take that trip to see lots of sunrises and sunsets and everything in between.

Take care, Precious One, and just know that my love and prayers are always with you...


Unknown said...

OH girl, what can I say that hasn't already been said?
And here I am worrying about finding a job....
I pray for you and your family.

Linda said...

I know you are glad to be home and feeling better. Lots of prayers for you. Take care and thanks for stopping by...always glad to hear from you.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Dear Leontien, it is so good to see a post from you! I'm so very sorry for all the pain you've been in. I wish there were something I could do to make things better for you, but the only thing I can do is pray and pray I will! Keep fighting and thinking positive! And if you want to go on a trip to see some sights, then that is what you should do! I will be thinking of you and praying for you, dear friend!
Love and hugs,

Lisa Gordon said...

Sweetheart, you are indeed so very brave. Don't you worry about how those hands look. Simply keep that wonderful spirit of yours, and enjoy every moment at home.

Always praying for you, and sending hugs your way.

lisa. xo

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

'Just checkin' in on ya sweetie, you were on my heart.

God bless your week my friend!!! :o)

Julia said...

Dear Leontien, I never expected your visit to my blog again so soon but I'm so thrilled that you came by. Thanks so much for the BIG HUGS.

I'm hoping that you are feeling a lot better and that you are regaining some strength.

You are a real gem and you are loved by so many. You just have to get better. I'll keep you in my prayers for as long at it takes.

Sending much LOVE , PRAYERS and BIG HUGS.


dr momi said...

It was good to hear from you at last week's Need A Funny Caption. I can understand waiting until you feel a bit better before going back. Ouch, ouch, ouch to the hands. I'm glad the pneumonia is under control. Still lots of prayers going up!!!! Jesus.....

Ed Pilolla said...

love your photos. the color in them is the most beautiful shade or orange, i say. i love the evening sun through trees. good you can open a water bottle again. sometimes they are a difficult, i swear. honestly, i have to put some effort into it sometimes.
great to see you. much love. i'm putting up a poem soon with some green, blue and orange. see if you get this one:)

Tiny van Lankveld (Veghel, Nederland) said...

We hebben met veel aandacht je bericht gelezen en leven heel erg met je mee. Ik heb contact met je moeder en we praten elkaar dan weer bij over het wel en wee. We wensen je heel veel sterkte samen met Bastiaan om de kracht te hebben om door te gaan.
Veel sterkte en lieve groet van Piet en Tiny uit Veghel. Ook voor Maria en Wim.

Anonymous said...

Dear Leontien - My thoughts and prayers are with you...and your hands! I have sent you a gift for your hands, and body and soul. You will recognize it by the blue bottles. Please enjoy!

Carole M. said...

love your sunset? photos too; I always find it hard to know quite which. Take care of you and know how good it must be to be in recovery mode.

penny said...

Dearest Leontien, Sorry to hear about your recent bout with pneumonia in hospital while they used your poor hands as a pin cushion.. pain, pain go away and stay away!

My inner child has a tip for you.. even if you are able to vacuum.. DON"T do it! ~:)

My thoughts and prayers are always with you dear-heart.
Be well and happy :)

rainfield61 said...

Oh, Blogger's "auto update system" fails to alert me about your latest post. It never looks like, but must be, as old as 80.

I am so glad to "read" about you, and also happy to cheer you with some seemed to be "pretty" pictures.

Chatty Crone said...

Thank you for praying for little Tiffany - know we are praying here for you too! Love and hugs, sandie

Amy said...

Stopping by to say you're on my mind and in my heart.

Deone Gerber said...

As Stacy and I visited you on Saturday... We love you so much and see the fight in your eyes.. We and our husbands are praying for you everyday! Keep the faith and trust the Lord God above!! Oh and... Your flowers look beautiful outside and the Dutch chocolate was amazing as usual! :) Deone

Susan said...

You're the type of person who would make a house a home - continue to enjoy being there soak it all up. May your hands heal up quickly... they're a part of you so they're made of strong stuff.
How exceedingly kind for you to take the time to visit my blog Leontien. To know you, even in this small way is a real privilege. Warmest good wishes, Susan xx

Vickie said...

Hey there, Leontien - nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've been doing some reading here today and am sorry to hear about your cancer and your struggle with it. I'm adding you to my prayer list, young lady! It appears that you are quite a fighter and so I will encourage you to keep fighting tooth and nail to beat this thing! You come from good stock and a great family all the way from Holland to have your dairy business - so hang in there and stay strong, and rest when you need to. Sending you a big hug from Texas! I'm now a follower so I can keep up with your progress FORWARD!

Nancy said...

You are in my thoughts, Leontien -- get strong and get better, dear. So many people care about you! xoxo

BlueShell said...

I'm glad you are back home and feeling better! God is GREAT! He is looking for each one of us!

I pray that you go o feeling OK.

Kisses and Hugs

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Hey sweetie, you were on my heart today and I just wanted to drop by and wish you a very blessed day!

Have a good one!!!

Furry Bottoms said...

HUGS HUGS HUGS HUGS to you, Leontin!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Please don't fret about what your hands have or have not done or can or cannot do. They are yours. They are part of you...a special person in the eyes of God!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Hi Leontien, Wishing you many blessings along the way. don't fret about opening water bottles- some of us have trouble with those things all the time. Your hands will heal ...just concentrate on getting better. Hugs Sue

fromsophiesview said...

Hi HO it's Sophie and her Daddio...sweet hugs and licks are all for you!

Arija said...

Leontien, I have just discovered your blog through Theresa. From now on you are in my daily prayers.
(((Hugs))) . . . Arija

joanne said...

Hi Leontin, stopping by from Jim's place and will most definitely be back as soon as I can to catch up with you. For now please know that another person out here in blogland is sending loving, healing thoughts your way and lifting you in the spirit of friendship...

Tammy said...

I have just been catching up on some of your posts. You are an amazing woman! I wish all the best for you.

Kimberly said...

Stopping by from Patrice's blog. I am a new follower so need to go and read a few of your posts to catch up. From all these comments I see you are getting a lot of love from your blogging friends. I will stop by again and hope your having a good weekend.

bj said...

Hi, Leo...I'm bj from Sweet Nothings.
Your kind friends invited me to join in prayer for you, which I am doing.
I am also signing up to follow...:))
God bless and love, bj

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Hi Leontien! So glad to catch up to you again. Such a strong person you are, I admire you and those loving hands! You have so many friends supporting you with thoughts and prayers, feel their strength and let it pull you out of the 33ft hole!! God Bless you, and enjoy HOME!!

Carra said...

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths!" Proverbs 3:5

Dear one... the Lord Jesus is the truest Doctor. No matter what His choices are in your life, they are always for the best.
Answer His continuing call... and obey Him. That is all that is asked of us.

With so much love and prayer, in Jesus,

LC said...

I am a new reader via Samdra at Madsnapper. So glad you are savoring those victories that give you some control. Pottying alone, socks, and water bottle opening have been causes for celebration for me, too.

Thoughts and prayers for you and for what sounds like a wonderful support group around you.

Sandi said...

Leontien, I've dropped off the face of the blogging and FaceBook world for various reasons in my own life, but I have not forgotten some who became long distance friends.

I have continued to keep you in my thoughts and prayers, even though there are days I am not sure what words to use...what to say or to ask.

Strength. Healing. Peace. Love...

Know, even though I have seemed to be gone, you are still a part of my heart and your name appears on a regular bases in my journal.

Many Blessings, my young Friend. ~ Sandi

Donna said...

Hang in there! Pneumonia is a bear especially when you have other issues going on. Here's hoping your hands look fresh as a daisy soon and you can open all the water bottles your heart desires!

theromanticrose said...

Ciao,ho sentito parlare di te da Ria,anche se non ci conosciamo capisco cio' che stai passando e ti dico di continuare ad essere forte e vivere ogni momento della vita!Ogni giorno dirò una preghiera per te!Vedrai tutte ti daremo energie positive!Un abbraccio!Rosetta

Lindsjö taxar said...

I came here by other blogfriends. Want to send a hug to your from us in Sweden.
Keep on and we will think of you and have you in our prairs.

steph said...

I came to your blog in a very convoluted way from my friend Tanna in Texas.....sending you hugs and prayers and if you could email your snail mail address....socks. I'm a knitter (make that KNITTER) who makes far more things than she needs or uses. You said you love your socks. I'd love to send you some handknit ones.

Lady Jane said...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tweedles, our very sweet friend, told us about you and showed us her beautiful flowers for you. We are adding good thoughts and prayers for you too.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Leontien,

Have just discovered your blog, via Ria. My thoughts and prayers are with you and wishing you a good recovery.

Sending hugs

Dawning Inspiration said...

Beautiful sunsets. Praying for healing!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Many of my blogging friends have posted flowers for you and I had to stop over and find out who the wonderful person they were blogging about is. I have you in my prayers and I am sending huggs your way.

TexWisGirl said...

we love you, leontien. you are a bright spirit, a brave soul, a true lover of life and dreams. you inspire us all and we just wanted to lift you up a little. :) we love you and think of you and pray for you all the time.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi, my name is Tweedles
I saw bloggy land was sending you flowers, and even though you do not know me,. I wanted to be a part of sending you flowers too. So I found these from my farm and I wanted to share them with you.
I am sending you love and healing prayers.

GrammyK said...

I'm here from Sandie's (Chatty Crone) blog.

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.

Blessings to you!!

Grampy said...

I ran across a couple wonderful images at blogs I visit. A rural journal and Tammy's photography spot. They had images for Leontien. What is this about I wondered? This must be a very special person. So I clicked on over here and read a bit and am struck how your openness allows your beauty to shine. And about those 80 year old hands. Hands of that age show character along with the experience of a life time of living. A friend of my "Little Woman" had cancer in her stomach and liver when discovered. My wife and her friend decided that as soon as she was stable enough after surgery and treatment we would take her on a trip to Montana and Yellowstone. This we did and what a great trip it was. This dear friend is still recovering and getting back to her old self every time we see her. She lives a few hours away in another state.
Best Wishes,

Anonymous said...

Sending all the love in the world your way today and always. I am so sorry you are hurting, Sweetie.

Home on the Range said...

I just found your blog through friend LB at Bullets and Biscuits. I will take a flower photo for you and put it up on my blog today, for a smile, for your fight.

Hang in there, even hands that look and feel 80 years old can give the tenderest of touches to those they love.

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

Definately do that road trip, it does the soul good! So many people around me are sick & I myself am dealing with a little issue.
Be strong everyone who suffers..

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Hello Leontien! What a beautiful name. I have found you through Nancy's blog and I have enjoyed looking around on have a beautiful farm and a wonderful family. I watched the video and it is so nice to 'meet' you...putting a face and a voice to your name makes this even more special. I'm very sorry that you are having to go through this 'illness' but I'm glad that you are home. You are a strong and determined young woman although I'm sure right now you don't feel that way. Hang on tight to that positive will help you through all of this. I hope your day is a better one and that each day brings you closer to being healthy again. Take care.
Maura X

Ed said...

Hi my name is Ed and I'm a fellow blogger/photographer, I saw your link at my buddy Sarah D's site Punkins Patch and I and going to add Flowers for Leontin to my Friday Flowers posts, take care..Ed

Marina said...

Carissima vorredi stringerti per farti sentire il mio affetto!!
L'anno scorso ho fatto un viaggio straordinario a Lourdes...sono partita a mani vuote e sono tornata piena di felicità...
Vorrei rassicurarti e dirti che sei nei miei pensieri.
Buona Domenica

Razzberry Corner said...

Take care, dear blogging friend. Many people are sending you their well wishes and hugs!
Get well soon, friend!


Sarah said...

There really is no place like home! I am so glad that you get to be home right now. I'm sure your hands don't look 80 - they probably look strong!


Katherines Corner said...

Home is the best place to feel better xo

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better every passing day. This is the first time I am reading your blog. I came here via DJan. ALOHA FROM HAWAII!

the wild magnolia said...

it was my honor to participate in "flowers for Leontien". it was so good to be needed, and able to step up, prayers, energy, and good thoughts.

thank you for allowing us to participate.

Lui said...

Dear Leontien,
I just heard about you from my English friend Denise and I just want to let you know that I am sending you my healing energies (it spares you from pain so you can help your body heal itself.) But you have to openly receive and accept ;-) healing powers before they can work...

Meanwhile I hope they are zapping you with multivitamins together with your medicines.

Suzie Salmon said...

I am here by way of Bullets and Biscuits. I wish I could send you strength, and courage, and healing powers. But I read your words and I can FEEL how strong you are and what a fighter you are, and how courageous you are. So I wish you peace, and love, and time in their stead! You are an inspiration!

Suzie Salmon said...

I am here by way of Bullets and Biscuits. I wish I could send you strength, and courage, and healing powers. But I read your words and I can FEEL how strong you are and what a fighter you are, and how courageous you are. So I wish you peace, and love, and time in their stead! You are an inspiration!

Nancy said...

Wishing you a happy Monday, Leontien! Hopeful the week is a good one for you. xoxo

Bella said...

Please please please stop what doctors are doing to you... they will kill you...

Check the rave diet clinics please. Doctors worthy of merit: John McDougal, Dean Ornish, Caldwell Esselstyn and others...
One of the best institutes: the Gerson institute

Stop animal foods, refined foods, trans fats, all of that... eat as much organic greens and fruits as you can stand in juices preferentially uncooked...


Check the incurables program of naturopath Richard Schulze: This program performs miracles!

It is essential to cleanse your colon, kidneys and liver.

Remember: cancer is the biggest pharmaceutical industry there is and they will NOT cure you. I saw my mother die in the hand of doctors and be a guinea pig to their drugs. WE MUST STOP THIS! Remember: your body given the nutrients it needs and having positive thoughts is engineered to CURE itself.

Love, from someone who suffered in the hands of modern medicine... My choice now is naturopathy... I've been cured from psorasis, severe asma and allergic rhinitis, and husband cured from heart disease

Catches the Eye said...

Sad to hear you have gone through so much , you are a very brave Lady. Getting away for a break sounds like a wonderful idea , I wish you well my new friend.
Hugs Sheila

Jackie said...

I'm glad that you are home.
As you continue this fight against cancer, know that I am praying for you.

haopee said...

I dropped by from Tweedles' page. We are sending you our support and love to help you ward the evil C away.

God bless you and remember that you're in our prayers.

Huggies and Cheese,


Momma Fargo said...

Leotien! Hugs and prayers to you. Here from Sarcastic Granny. God bless.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Leontien I am still thinking of you everyday. I can see you looking at the Flowers for Leontien(That's You :) photos and smiling this is what LOVE is my dear Leontien. You are loved and do not forget that. Love Hugs and kisses. Nice smile by the way:) B

Karen said...

Just getting to know you and your story here on your blog.... such a courageous woman!... Thinking of you, sending healing thoughts and prayers your way from Connecticut... I hope you've had the chance to view all the flowers left for you by bloggers, just incredible... a true testiment to the wonderful woman you are.

Anonymous said...

SO sorry for this deep trial you're going through... hugs from a stranger...

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Beste Leontien,

Ja, het leven kan soms vreemde plannen hebben met onze 'dromen'...
Het is moeilijk om dit te aanvaarden en om je overal doorheen te zetten. Ik weet niet wat je leeftijd is maar op je andere blog zag ik een klein meisje met die grote poes op haar schouder, is dat jouw dochtertje?
Verder kan ik je alleen het allerbeste wensen, heel veel sterkte meid en vertrouw op God. De dingen die wij nu nog níet kunnen begrijpen heeft hij voor ons geregeld in zijn grote plan. Er is ongetwijfeld nog iets hierna en wie weet kunnen onze dierbaren ons hier nog beter steunen vanaf de vredige plek waar ze zijn. Dat gevoel heb ik altijd gehad.
Een knuffel,


Woon al 29 jaar in Georgia, met onderbreking van 3 jaar Indonesië, 1 jaar Italië en 'n ½ jaar Penssylvania. We werkten over de hele wereld als international consultants in de champignonteelt nadat mijn man bij Campbell Soup met pensioen ging. We zijn beiden tuinderskinderen met groene vingers en wroeten graag in onze anderhalve hectare tuin...

betchai said...

Hello Leontien, I just learned about you from the Flowers for Leontien event that is circling in the blogosphere right now. Though I may just have known you, but I would like to send you prayers, warm hugs and smiles.

walk2write said...

Goodness, you're brave, Ms. L. I just came over from Troutbirder's blog. He posted a lovely flower for you, Asclepias or butterfly weed, named after the ancient Greek god of medicine and healing. I'm sending prayers for healing your way.

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful blog created from a beautiful heart. I have posted a poem and flowers for you, dear lady. God bless:

@nne said...

wish you the best! @nne

Mad Jack said...

Here's a flower for you, along with my prayers and best wishes.

Ana Tapadas said...


rainfield61 said...

And the comments keep coming in.

With love.

and prayer.

Anonymous said...

May the grace of god be with you and carry you through you journey, Leontien.


don said...

Gorgeous pictures in this post, but the heart of it is you sharing you being home again! Your openness to tell how you feel and what you are able to do again is remarkable. Blessings and all the best wishes and prayers for a "break" in this disease!

Sandra said...

How are you doing, Leontien?
Sunny greetings from Switzerland.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Hello Leontien just checking in and sending HUGS. My Dear Leontien you are loved by so many. I hope all is well and you are enjoying the farm and Spring.
Still praying and thinking of you daily. xxoo B

duchess_declutter said...

Be proud of your lovely hands Leontien - and of the things that they have done. Be proud of yourself and all that you have done and will do. I'm glad that you are loving being at home! cheers Wendy

Janice Grinyer said...

Leotien - How do you make people stop, and enjoy what they are doing exactly at that moment, even if its work, because each breath is taken for granted? The wedding plans are unfolding into reality now - when i stop to take a break and appreciate it all they are quick to ask me "are you okay? go lay down!" and i think Im okay and I dont want to lay down i just want to sit, rest, and enjoy it for what it is - the moments!!!! ARGHHHHHH !!!

I hope dear friend you are able to take in the sights of the green grass and those clean cows of yours ;) and watch the leaves get bigger and bigger and see the storms come in and pass, and be able to enjoy conversations in all the time they deserve...

Wish us all luck - Saturday is the big day!

Unknown said...

Many Blessings and Prayers for you.
Most of all I HOPE for you.

Lucinda said...

I have been following your blog after you found and commented on mine. I just lost my best friend of 30 years to cancer. It makes me feel some queer connection to you with cancer, cows, and horses.
Keep fighting the fight, and I would say buy the camper and go see what this country looks like. You are in my prayers.

Bemsei said...

I'm glad to hear from you. So sorry you are in pain...
May God Bless you and your husband...

BlueShell said...

Time to go to bed now...but you'll be in my prayers...
God is LOVE...and He'll Provide!
Try o have a good night sleep.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for finally talking about > "Old Hands..." < Loved it!

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