Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thankful Thursday!

Yep, it sure is a Thankful Thursday

Although we have to go to the hospital today for some new head and body scans, at least I can look forward to the eardrum breaking noise and image for forty minutes that I am at a rave party…

Although we have to make choices every day that an 33 year old and her husband shouldn't have to make, we still wake up together every morning and feel very blessed... 

Although we don’t have any family over at the moment, and the house seems a bit empty, I treasure all the moments from past months when we enjoyed their company…

Although I haven’t posted, commented on stories, seen all your incredible pictures of flowers, texted, Facebooked or Twittered, talked or SEEN you in what looks like ages, I still think of you all EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Although we hadn’t had rain for over 6 weeks (more or less) the sun is shining and my own, very first, vegetable garden is doing AMAZING…

Although our ladies (yes the cows!) are having a hard time with all this heat, they know that we will do whatever it takes too keep them as cool and comfortable as possible…

Although we are still getting bad news every time we go see Dr Nala, at least I’m still here (feeling good physically besides the pain) and can give other people the false hope things are going well…

Fake It untill you Make It! Right?

I hope you have a FANTASTIC Thursday and Thank You for being the best support team anyone could possibly have!!!
