Monday, September 12, 2011

Arretjes Cake = Comfort Food

I wanted to do this for a long time so, here we go! Every gal or "though" guy needs his or her comfort food every now and then to keep on going, no matter what the doctor says!

A couple of sweet people who where brave enough try the pepper and ice cream… This recipe is  much less exciting, but still very very good and no oven needed! If you have been reading my stories for a while you might know that I love a Big Mac every now and then, but this cake is just right up there on the list… The only difference is that this is a “grandma used to teach us” authentic Dutch recipe.

I promise you if you finally have all the ingredients in house (which are not too complicated to get) this should NOT take more than 15 minutes… Oh well maybe 20, depends if you have your kids, nephews and nieces, friends, friend’s kids or grandma herself helping you with the “smashing”…

What you need:
·         A bag of animal crackers (you only need about half the bag but the rest you can eat while you are “cooking”)…
·         12 tablespoons of confectioners powdered sugar
·         1 egg
·         5 tablespoons of Nestle cocoa (I am firmly against everything Hershey….)
·         And butter,  about 12 tablespoons of it, as in normal Imperial  (at Walmart) sticks of butter

If you double everything you get a nice cake form full of yummy sweetness...

How to make it:
Break  (smashing is even more fun) all the animal crackers into two or three pieces. You don’t want to make them too small but if you keep them as a whole they are too big. Melt the butter into a fluid mass. You can do this in the microwave (use a lid) or gradually on your stove. Add the sugar, cocoa and egg to your melted butter. Whip until you have no more lumps. Then add the crackers into your mixture while it is still fluid.  Put the whole mix into a cake pan which you have lined with aluminum foil, to take the cake out more easily after its done. You need to use a LOT of crackers, remember every animal counts! Hehe…

You let this sit for a night, and yes this is the HARD part because if you are like me; a little (very much so) impatient you just can’t wait the 12 hours until the next morning…  Just wait about 5 hours and it will probably be fine…

The trick is to get it stiff/hard enough so you can slice the pieces like you would do a normal cake. But even if it is not very slice able it still looks pretty funny and it sure tastes good…

I know you are NOT supposed to count the calories in this cake, so I wouldn’t recommend to make it once a week… although it is very VERY addicting.

Now that I am a full time swimmer (we went twice in two days, whoohoo…) to build up my stamina and overall physique, to be better prepared to handle the side effects of the chemo (we probably are going to start soon) I think it is also very important to make sure you eat your comfort foods (yes, besides all the healthy stuff) soooo, what better way to do that with some authentic Dutch Arretjes Cake!

I hope you enjoy and please let me know the results of your Dutch "cooking"!



Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

This sounds really interesting. I love any and all cooking adventures. And with 3 boys, we always have animal crackers around. I just got all the supplies to make jalapeno jelly! I'm super excited about this. This past weekend I did watermelon preserves and persimmon jam. The persimmon jam was a flop, because apparently I got a persimmon in there that wasn't ripe so now the whole batch is bitter. But the watermelon turned out well!

Enjoy your comfort food. And your swimming :-)

Katie said...

This reminds of the cake recipe from the Royal wedding that Prince William liked with biscuits in it. I'm totally making this and won't make it once a week but what a fun comfort food recipe. I love trying authentic, heritage recipes. Hope you are feeling strong and kicking butt. Cheering for you in North Dakota.

Larkrise garden girl said...

Leontien, That looks so yummy!I loved animal crackers when I was a little girl. Cheri

Ellie said...

That sounds absolutely yummy. I say comfort food all the way - enjoy.

Jill said...

This looks and sounds really good...and interesting! Thanks for sharing it.

You eat ALL the comfort food you need!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

You are making me hungry!!

I'm trying to be good and you are posting about yummy cake!

Sounds great and seems easy that maybe even I could make!

Thanks for the recipe

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Yum, that sounds like a good recipe and I love the easy to do ones. Praying all will be well with you. ~Cheryl

Sharon said...

Looks and sounds good and the big plus..... easy! Great to know there is another recipe for when I get those chocolate cravings!

Glad you are swimming, should help a lot!

I think of you every day!

Unknown said...

Sounds yummy Leontien.
Maybe Nathan & I can try it together.

LindaG said...

Comfort foods keep us going. *Hugs* ♥

Elizabeth Grimes said...

That actually doesn't sound too complicated. I might even try making it! Good luck with the swimming, that is a great way to stay in shape!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

glad you are swimming, so this is a not cook recipe? i did not see where you baked it, just put in fridge? it looks and sounds delish. i love animal cookies right out of the bag or box

Tonya said...

Ooo, this sounds REALLY yummy...perfect for a chocolate fix!! :) Thanks for sharing!!

Out on the prairie said...

Very different to try. It sounds like something you would keep all the ingredients for around the house.

Dawn said...

Comfort Foods....a very important part of a person's day:D

Unknown said...

Very delicious sounding cake! And comfort food is always a plus. Wishing you luck with everything!

Jessica Nunemaker from little Indiana said...

Animal crackers and chocolate? This I gotta try! :)

Tanna said...

Leontien, this sounds similar to the groom's cake for Prince William??? I'm likin' all the ingredients and I can tell I would love the cake all too much! Okay, you need to catch us up to the Hershey's issue. ;)

Glad you have started swimming. Get strong and kick butt!!

hugs and prayers ~ tanna

Alisa said...

That sounds toooo good! I will have to try it.

Clint said...

Keep those things away from me! I'll eat every one of 'em!

Julia said...

Thanks for sharing your dutch recipe with us. Sounds really yummy and you don't even have to cook it. Perfect...

Hope that you are feeling all the online love flowing instantly to you. Healing my friend... I miss all your stories of scary escapades though I can call this one scary but you know what I mean... JB

It's me said...

Veel te lekker !!!.....ik ga je niet nadoen hoor.......te slecht voor mij...liefs dikke knuffel van

TexWisGirl said...

i don't cook or bake really, but i do believe in comfort food!

so are you starting chemo locally or at the special place in chicago? will you also need surgery? i'm just praying for you...

Samantha said...

I think comfort food is every bit as important as healthy foods!
I'll give this a try!

Susan said...

Bless your heart. You are trying so hard, and I'm betting it's all gonna pay off for you. I am so hoping the chemo isn't to bad. You are still in my prayers sweet lady.

It's all gonna be okay!


Nancy said...

This sounds great, Leontien, and would not cost very much to make. :)

troutbirder said...

You go girl and it's gonna work out. Some comfort food along the way seems like a good idea too...

Gail Dixon said...

This looks so yummy! But tell me, do you use salted or unsalted butter?

Cindy Ellison said...

Leontien, this sounds delicious and I am going to make this. Yes, I will have to hide it from Clint, but being the loving and caring wife that I am, I will "ration" him small pieces. (That way I will have more for ME!) ♥

The recipe is also special because of its history with your grandmother. Enjoy this delicious cake!

Ms. A said...

This looks right up my alley! Will have to try it, can't resist.

Buttons Thoughts said...

Good plan I am going to try these. My Hero will love them OK me too. I have a weakness for fattening chocolate delights. Take care and enjoy the water. B

Ed Pilolla said...

these sound very, very good. why are you against everything hershey? just curious.

Ricki Treleaven said...

This reminds me of Prince WIlliam's wedding cake. Why are you a Hershey's hater? *inquiring minds want to know*

I have been thinking about you today. You are on my prayer list :D

I will make this over the weekend with my daughter and some of the neighborhood kids. They will love it!

Ricki Jill

Unknown said...

This looks delicious; I'm definitely going to try it!

Debbie said...

this sounds so yummy!! i totally agree that everyone should have a big mac every so often!!

Sandi said...

Just wanted to send a cyberspace hug your way, Leontien.

By the way....I LOVE chocolate!

Alica said...

This looks yummy!! I agree with the person who mentioned the Prince Wiliam Cake...I thought of that too. Just curious...why not Herhey? :) Thinking of you...

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh boy....what's not to love about animal crackers and chocolate?!! Definitely going on my "so gotta try" list! Thanks so much for sharing the recipe....And - yup - you gotta spill the beans - what should I know about Hershey's that I don't???

And thank you for your visit to my last post and your sweet comments....There's a hole in the barn because it is falling apart - it is in a sad state of disrepair, and I'm afraid they will be tearing it down soon. This, above all other things, broke my mother's heart. It had, in its day, been regarded as one of the finest barns in the county, but after we sold it, no one actively farmed there, nor cared much I guess to take care of it. So, it slowly decayed.

Sorry to leave my response here on your post, but I cannot respond directly to comments you post because you are a "no-reply blogger." Some folks choose that intentionally, but if you would like people to be able to respond to comments you leave on their blogs, this is what you do:

Go to your dashboard in Blogger
look to the upper left
select edit profile

under privacy -
select - show my profile
select - show my email address

under identity -
ADD - your desired online email address

click save profile

Just thought I'd pass this along in case you weren't aware of it....

Hope you are doing ok my dear friend - continuing my good thoughts, vibes, and prayers for you....

Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Dreaming said...

Uh, if we can't wait... can we eat it with a spoon?!!

Paula said...

I like the part about eating while cooking.

Jeanie said...

Wow, this sounds good enough to make me want to try to locate the kitchen (I don't go there too often} and actually do some cooking :)

Unknown said...

Going to have to give this a try. Miss Add would like it! Chocolate and animal crackers... sounds right up her alley!

As for you my dear, chocolate has magical powers. Keep that swimming up and we will keep praying!

Dolores said...

Oh yum! This sounds so delicious and easy....I love comfort foods!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
I'm thinking and praying for you each day.......good to hear you're swimming.....building the stamina is a good thing!

Lisa Gordon said...

Leontien, this sounds wonderful, and if it has anyhting to do with animal crackers, I'm in!! Love those little things, especially the ones with the pink icing!!

Thank you for sharing.

Please know, that I think of you often, and pray that this will all be behind you soon.

Sending you hugs.

lisa. xo

Sush said...

No time for cooking or much blogging but I am sending you love and hugs and prayers for wise and wonderful Dr's.


Arkansas Patti said...

Now you have done it. I must have some animal crackers now and probably won't get the cake made for eating all of the main ingredient.
You are smart to build your self up for the battle ahead. Eat all you can, it is important.

Megan said...

Glad you finally shared this...sorry it had to be because you needed comfort food! I'm totally going to try it very soon.

Unknown said...

This gem has absolutely no place in my diet but has found a huge spot in my heart. Let's hope it stops there and doesn't find my butt!

Keep moving and grooving and doing what makes you happy, and we will keep on praying and sending our love!

Louise said...

It sounds yummy. Can't wait to try it. Comfort food definitely has a place in anybody's world. Good for you, getting strong and fit for the chemo ahead.

Unknown said...

Gotta love comfort food!!

Great recipe!!


don said...

I like the idea of comfort food and this sounds delicious. I'm glad to hear you are keeping fit with swimming and building up for what's ahead. Good plan!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'm all for comfort food, and for finding new ones--This sounds really interesting, and I've printed out this post because I am going to try this!

I hope you're doing well--I just send you a friend request on FB, at least I think I did! ;-))

Diana said...

These sound oh so delicious, I will have to try them. My comfort food: McDonalds double cheeseburgers!
Love Di ♥

Julia said...

Thanks sweetie for leaving such a nice comment on my blog. It must take you for ever to make your rounds with so many comments. It just proof that we love you. Get well soon. Hugs. JB

Michelle said...

Chocolate is full of antioxidants, so you just keep eating this cake. Love this recipe. Very different from things I usually make and my daughter would love to smash those crackers!

TexWisGirl said...

(yes, both are Arabian horses. :))

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Looks like yumminess!
Fatten up I say.

Hugs and love on the upcoming days.
You are never far from my thoughts and prayers.

Roan said...

Sounds yummy. So yummy in fact I think I'll make one the next time my granddaughter comes to visit. She would love smashing the animal crackers. I agree, one needs comfort food occasionally. Sending good vibes your way.

About Muriel said...

LOVE animal crackers and LOVE chocolate. sounds like the perfect recipe to me :)

Jill said...

I got your note on my blog about the mail swap. I understand you not being able to particpate right now but do you suppose I could still get your snail mail addy? Just email it to me if it's ok.
Praying for you!

deila taylor said...

Oh, this sounds good. I was just writing up one of my comfort foods, how funny. Now I have yours to try. I am not too good at waiting either.

Unknown said...

Just call me a little bird, but you should be finding a gift from your RFOA & F gal pals in your mailbox early next week. We love you and are sending all our strength to you for when you need some extra fight.
Feel our love and all that comes to your from the friend you have made, and you will never have one second of being alone. Hugs to you!

geetlee said...

Can't wait to try it out! :)

Sultan said...

Ok I am having food lust!

Poppy (aka Val) said...

This sounds just totally yummy!! Sadly I am diabetic so will just have to dream about what it tastes like and drool a bit lol xxx

Amy said...

This looks a little like the "cathedral windows" my grandma used to make. Only instead of animal crackers, you use colored marshmallows. Makes it very pretty when you slice into it.

Jenny Woolf said...

Fantastic Dutch recipe, beautiful idea, ideal for kids (for a special treat.) My guess is it freezes well. Thanks for dropping by my blog. And good luck with the fitness and chemo regime!!!!!.

Susie Buetow said...

Hiya! I just saw on you friend's blog about your cancer returning. You are in my prayers.
I'm your newest Google Friend Connect follower and I love this recipe!

I would LOVE for you to stop over and link this up in my cooking with kids in the kitchen. This would be a good one to make! Thanks, Susie