Thursday, September 22, 2011

Crazy Americans that I LOVE

Ok, so last Monday the 15th  I got this HUGE surprise!
Never in a million years i would have thought that this would happen! I feel extremely blessed and thankful and much, much stronger now too fight this thing even harder!

The sweet ladies from Real Farmwives of America put up a special Facebook page... for me!?!... called: Love for Leontien to give me an extra push in the right direction (as in keep fighting)! But if you have no facebook (yet) or just quit facebook because of all the (crazy) changes you can also visit the Real Farmwives of America blog and meet the ladies who were so incredibly sweet to get this whole crazy "Love Bombing" started! Well, and the Power to the Panties, Kick Cancer's Butt Movement of course... Hehe...

Just know we love you all for being soo good to me, everybody who commented, sent emails, sent cards, Facebooked, hyved, called us on the phone, texted, stopped by the house/farm and prayed for us AND being fantastic friends! We could not fight this fight without all of you!

At the moment were back in Chicago, tomorrow (hopefully) they can tell us what kind of treatment we are going to try...

It'll be alright.

And just in case you missed the first Crazy Americans and you are wondering what this crazy talk is about:



TexWisGirl said...

i don't facebook, but i did see several of them do blog posts for you (and i stole their badges for my own blog to give you all the love i can possibly send!) :)

This Farm Family's Life said...

hugs and prayers Leontien!!!

Ginny said...

Hang in there girl! I am praying every day for you! I have no doubt if anyone can kick this cancer, it is you!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Lots of hope and hugs headed your way :-) You're totally in my thoughts!!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Lots of hugs and prayers from me too.
Tbinking of you Leontien. x

Katie said...

Get those skull panties on and we'll be giving you lots of love, prayers and power to slay cancer! Cheering for you.

Sharon said...

I hope they give you some good positive help and hope. I think about you daily. You are a special person.

Cindy said...

I hope all goes good in Chicago, you have a whole bunch of us here with you.
sending love and prayers your way. the badges are wonderful. renewed hope and faith. hugs.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Praying for you, Leontien! (((Hugs)))

MadSnapper n Beau said...

more hugs coming your way and prayers to, daily prayers.

Ellie said...

Hopefully this will give you an extra boost to fight this thing. Hugs and love coming to you.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Good for those farmwives! I will be going there. Power to the panties! I love it.
I love you girl. You are strong and you have a lot of people praying for you.
You are my hero.
Now you get your attitude on and give 'em heck!

Julia said...

Leontian, with all this positive love wave coming at you from every angle, Ugly Cancer hasn't got a chance.

Love, and prayers. JB

Jessica Nunemaker from little Indiana said...

It WILL be alright! With such a big web of support, you are in good hands. :)

Prayers and good wishes headed your way!

Jill said...

Thinking of you and praying for you! Power to the panties!!!

Michael (Light-In-A-Box) said...

That is really awesome, what a nice gift to have so many thinking of you! A webpage just for you... :-) Hang in over there!
We send our warmest thoughts your way...

Unknown said...

Did your present from Amazon and RFOA&F arrive safely? Let me know if you have any questions. Hugs and power to your panties as you head to Chicago.

Julie said...

Sweet woman! I pray for you everyday. I am so glad we found each other in this blog world. I am so glad so many others have found you too! So happy you have so much support.

Leah Beyer said...

Love you! Praying for you always. Hugs!

Ms. A said...

Big hugs and lots of thoughts and prayers!

Unknown said...

For FREE Kindle books, go to Pixel of Ink and sign up for a daily e-mail with free offers. It's addictive, and they just "Poof!" appear on your Kindle in like 10 seconds or 2 minutes if you are out in the middle of no where like we country girls usually are! Have fun playing with it!

Clint said...

Praying for you. Much love from Cindy and me.

Negerigeletschtempoit said...

We are all together with you in this battle, sweet girl! Sending you our love, prayers and support! You are going to beat this!!!!

It's me said...

Heel veel succes lieverdje morgen !!.....liefs van

Tanna said...

You have a lot of us Crazies pulling for you, girl!! Like nobody's business!! Love the badges! Awesome! blessings ~ tanna

Gail Dixon said...

My FB is deactivated, but I will check out the blog! Blog power rules!! You will beat this.

Cinderella11pm said...

That is absolutely fabulous, Leontien. You inspire so much love and support from so many sources - yeaaaaay:)!

Will go figure out how to facebook 'like' your new page of love - and the badge is PERFECT.

((hugs and healing wishes))

Amanda said...

You are truly amazing, I just love all the positiveness coming from you, you really are an inspiration to us all.

What a wonderful network you have, such a blessing at this time.

Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Diana said...

How wonderful these ladies are. I will check out the facebook page.
Blessing to you Leontien.
Love Di ♥

Katie Olthoff said...

We love you, too! And been praying for you!

Kim said...

That is so awesome. Hugs, kim

Debbie said...

you have the world pulling for much love, the world is full of great people!!

big hugs to you leontian!!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

All the power to you girl! Thinking of you and sending prayers your direction every day.

Buttons Thoughts said...

You rock girl if anyone can beat this it will be you with your wit and attitude. Oh yes and the love of family and friends, the friends you know and friends you don't. We are all praying for you. I will be leaving the panties on my blog as long as you need them. Thank you Real Farm Wives of America for the great idea. We the real farm wives in Canada feel the same way. We are all on the same side of the tractor. Power to the panties!! B

ann said...

Love you. Take care of yourself am praying for you. Stay strong.

Angela said...

I do facebook but I don't use my real name! lol I started it as a way to get coupons and free things. lol I only have 1 friend because no one knows who I am! lol

Hugs & Prayers!
Kick some Cancer Butt!

Susan said...

Praying for you and really touched by all the great support. Go, Leontien!

TheCrankyCrow said...

We crazy Americans love our Leontien with a crazy kinda love!! What a wonderfully sweet gesture - even for some crazy Americans!!! Keep on kicking and fighting Girl! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Lots of good thoughts, power, energy, prayer whatever you need, it's coming to you!!! :-))

Deborah said...

Wonderful, sending positive energy and love your way :o) x

Dolores said...

Sending you lots of love, hugs and prayers.
You are loved,

Lisa Gordon said...

It WILL be alright my friend.
You just keep that attitude and you cannot go wrong.
Sending you hugs.

Janie said...

Be positive, as it already appears you are. Thinking of you, and send healing thoughts your way.

Saimi said...

That's so wonderful and I'm glad you shared it because I don't facebook but I will check out their blog!

Leontien my prayers are with you!

rainfield61 said...

I am touched by the sweet ladies from Real Farmwives of America.

I am touched by your bravery.

I am touched by your power.

Power to the panties!! Kick Cancer's Butt.

geetlee said...

I HAVE to join this facebook page! How fun! I love it :)

acorn hollow said...

I think of you so often stay stong and fight fight fight.
keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

LindaG said...

*hugs* Good luck and God bless. ♥

Ricki Treleaven said...

*smiling right now* This post is *great*!!!

Ricki Jill

Out on the prairie said...

An extended family on cyberspace.

Tami AKA My Kid's Mom said...

Thinking of you and praying. Stay strong - willpower will have a lot of influence in beating this thing.

Larkrise garden girl said...

Leontien, I feel such love being sent your way. Prayer is a powerful thing and were all sending prayers your way.Keep your chin up and prayers to the doctors to make wise decisions. Hugs Cheri

Arkansas Patti said...

Only positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way. Know you will feel better when you start actively fighting. We are all with you.

Sandi said...

Leontien, I've been in Chicago helping with a needy newborn. While I had my computer, I was barely keeping my head above water between Gabriel and church work.
It is AWESOME that Farm Wives are reaching out to encourage you!!! I found myself thinking of you off and on as I "danced" with Gabriel during the wee hours of the night. Many Blessings my young friend!!! Sending prayers for healing. Sandi

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Thinking of you every day (((HUG)))

Donna said...

How cool to have those kind of friends!!! Keep fighting the dragon, Leontine!! You're on my prayer list.

Debra Gray-Elliott said...

You’ve been awarded the Versatile blogger award. You can pick up here

Louise said...

Oh, I've got to go see this facebook page. What a good group of friends you have.

forgetmenot said...

"Power to the Panties--Kick Cancer's Butt" -- I absolutely love it. I love your cheerful, upbeat attitude and your great sense of humor--they will carry you a long way. Hope all goes well and they settle on a treatment that will "kick butt". Take care and know many thoughts are with you. Mickie :)

{ T G L } said...

Dear Leontien,

Actually... I just realized you're Dutch, so I might as well continue in Dutch :)

Ik wens je ontzettend veel liefs en beterschap toe. Moge je snel verbetering zien van je gezondheid en houd moed!

Hartelijke groetjes & blessings,

This Good Life

Nancy said...

Sending healing and positive thoughts your way, Leontien. :)

Roan said...

Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way! I'll check out the FB page.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I did change the blog around, still am not happy with it. i wanted a permanent header in place but can't seem to get it the way i want it. i can still had headers when i want to. thanks for letting me know about your type of cancer, don't know why i thought otherwise. I am praying for you

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thinking of you and praying for you, hugs from Florida

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the birthday wishes, still praying for you. fake bikes are "cheap" LOL

Anonymous said...

Know that you have prayer support from us. Sending info out to others for more to pray. Expecting a great outcome!

Anonymous said...

I am one of those Crazy Americans! I read everyday, and send you best wishes in your fight against this second battle. You will win this one to and come out on top and a better person for it. POWER TO THE PANTIES!