Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday...

Yep... That's me...

And yes, that is a BIG cat!
And yes, those are pig poopies!

Have a fantastic Wednesday, do some bloghopping and don't forget about my love story  here at Four Leaf Clover Tales tomorrow (Thursday)!



Yvonne said...

What determination! So cute.

Patrice said...

The cat's almost as big as you were!

TexWisGirl said...

you are too cute! look at those rosy cheeks! must be all that cat hoisting you're doing!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

Looks like you were a great animal handler from the beginning! Very cute:)

LBB said...

That is just so cute!! :)

It's me said...

Happy wednesday darling....so sute !! love Ria....xxx..

Toni aka irishlas said...

So cute, both of you!
Can't wait to read the rest of the love story!

Dawson Cattle Company said...

so sweet! a true animal lover from the start. hurry with the story! lol :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a cute picture! that cat was almost bigger than you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love love love it... so precious. and it needs no words

LindaG said...

Happy Wednesday to you! :)

Anonymous said...

Haha, that is such a cute picture! I'd suggest photoshopping the poop out, but it adds to the picture's hilarity! :)

Farm Girl said...

That is a big cat. I can't wait, I love your stories.

Clint said...

What would a cute picture be without poop in it?

bon bon said...

so cute!! i hope neither you nor the kitty are behind all that poop. ;o)

Out on the prairie said...

That is a calm cat to let you carry it like that.A fun picture.

Unknown said...

What a happy face in the midst of big poop and a potentially scratchy, feisty critter! Love it!

Gerreke said...

Wat een ontzettend leuke foto en ja dat is een hele grote poes en een heerlijk dametje op de foto!

Caron said...

That cat's as big as you are!!

cherrylej said...

that is ONE BIG CAT! lol! thanks for visiting my blog. i'm following you back :) you have a great day!