Monday, February 28, 2011

The consequences of riding your horse

As a real farm girl having a horse, the whole idea is to actually ride your horse every now and then …

Oh yes, he's so handsome!

And whenever you’re done with work on the dairy, which really never gets done, but you just feel the need to ride your gorgeous stallion (see: How a girl gets a horse), you really don’t think about anything else anymore. You just hurry down from the farm, grab your; “ I’m standing in my pasture enjoying my nice green grass”, horse and you don’t make yourself go into the house, change into good durable underwear and comfortable riding pants, NO you just wear your G-string and jeans and jump on your horse and GO!

After one hour of hobbling around you think, "hmmm, my bottom really hurt’s…"

Chilling in his pasture

And after you get done, and you actually make it into the house, and you find out by looking at your refrigerator (and the little magnets with appointments) that you have to go to the dermatologist for a checkup the next morning, there isn’t really anything you can do anymore to prevent you from disaster…

So, I knew I got myself in an awkward situation and because of that I took my mom with me to the appointment for support.

The dermatologist had to check my ENTIRE body every three months for abnormal spots/molds and I knew I had to go to this appointment I just forgot it was the next day.

 And yes, he is 28 now!

Lucky all my little molds were fine but when she had to check my buttocks, she said, "well…. looks like it’s a bit irritated in this area!" I’m telling you I could just dissapear into the ground right there and then. And it didn’t help that my mom was sitting in the examine room with me and while I was trying to save my dignity by telling the doctor, “no, my husband and I don’t have a crazy sex life, I was just riding my horse yesterday in the wrong underwear”, she pretty much fell off her chair!

Saving my dignity wasn’t really an option anymore….

The nurse practitioner, the doctor AND my mom were all laughing very, very loud and just couldn’t stop laughing while I was trying to hide my red face.

Oh, so much fun!!!

So I decided right there and then I’ll NEVER go horse riding again wearing a G-string, I’ll NEVER forget to look at my little magnets at my refrigerator for appointments and by doing that I make sure I’ll NEVER have to explain why I have blisters on my bootie anymore!!!


Hoosier Farm Babe said...

Haha, hilarious!! What a beautiful horse, by the way!

TexWisGirl said...

Too funny!!! Thanks for sharing that!

Ginny said...

Your posts make me laugh every time!

Inger said...

This is my first time here and I love your About Me statement. Your horse is beautiful -- we have a few things in common: I used to ride when I was young and had a horse, named Belle Amie, I love to read, and I had breast cancer back in 1999, so I understand about those appointments. Thanks for following my blog.--Inger

Katie Olthoff said...

Too funny!!!! I've only ridden a horse a couple times in my life, so I can't really relate, but it's still funny!

Furry Bottoms said...

That horse is 28 yeears old? WOW- he looks great!!! How old do horses generally get?

Thank you for your comments on my blog! I love your name, so I had to come investigate!!

Anonymous said...

to funny. i hate learning the lessons the hard way, but that's how i learn best. glad your moles are ok. you probably gave them something to smile about all day! have a great week!

Sharon said...

LOL! I know I shouldn't laugh, but, really....

Lesson learned the hard way! :-)

Louise said...

Oh my gosh, that is too funny. I couldn't have done that with my old TB mare, she had withers like a shark. Besides, I'm a little too old for a g-string. I wish I could have seen everyone's faces when you were telling your tale of woe.

Your Black Stallion is very handsome and looks like a lot of fun. He doesn't look 28 at all. What breed is he?

I've been seeing your name on some of my friend's blogs lately so, naturally, I had to come over and see who Leontien was. I'm glad I did visit. You have a very interesting blog here, and I know that I'm going to enjoy it.

Megan said...

I'm CRYING because I'm laughing so hard! Love it...not that your backside is sore but that you shared the story! Thanks!! Want to head to Jungle Jim's soon? :)

Buttons Thoughts said...

So funny. Yes is is a beautiful horse. B

Dawn said...

hehe....appropriate "riding gear" a must;))

Verde Farm said...

So hilarious! I am cracking up! I love it :)
I wanted to let you know-if you want to share the button--go on my right sidebar and it is toward the bottom. If you copy the html under it and paste that into a gadget or a post--it will show right up.
Oh I needed a good laugh!! :)

ann said...

We all live and learn.

-Heidi said...

ha! I turned red for you when I read this. lol!

Julie said...

That is FUNNY! :)

Gerreke said...

Wow ik ben niet zo'n paarden gek hoor. Ik vind het heerlijk om naar paarden te kijken, maar ik ben niet zo best in paardrijden.

Je hebt er wel prachtige opnamen van gemaakt. Is dat paard echt al 28 jaar oud?

Ik heb in een deuk gelegen om je verhaal bij de dermatoloog!!! Oh, oh, oh, ik dacht dat ik niet meer bij kwam.

Unknown said...

Once again laughing and loving you!

Oak Creek Ranch said...

Very funny! I had to read parts of it to my husband because, like you, he has to go to the dermatologist every three months and get his moles checked. Thanks for reading my blog - I'm glad I found yours!

lvroftiques said...

I'm so glad you found my blog so I could find yours! You're a hoot!! The dermo doc story totally cracked me up! Things you SHOULD think of before riding a horse *winks* Who's absolutely gorgeous by the way! And the "Oh crap" tat story! My dad told me I'd be kicked out for getting my ears pierced...It took him more that two years to even notice that I'd gotten it done, and I was 18 by then so too bad bye dad! Lol! Oh and I'm your newest follower. Vanna

Kymberly Foster Seabolt said...

Where have you been all my 'net life? You are HILARIOUS!

"The nurse practitioner, the doctor AND my mom were all laughing very, very loud and just couldn’t stop laughing while I was trying to hide my red face."