Thursday, August 18, 2011

Cancer Kicking and panties with sculls

Ok, as you might have read in my previous post things aren't going so smoothly and because we still have no results… hopefully later today… and I can’t seem to muster the energy to bring you a nice “I’m a happy pumpkin in a sunny pasture” post, I’m gonna leave you with a Golden Oldie.

I DID wear my panties with a scull yesterday to my PET scan and yes, I washed it last night AND I am wearing it today to Dr Nala, soooo IF something shows up all bright and shiny on my PET scan (which I am SURE will NOT happen…) I can hit the ground running and kick this cancer thingy in the buttocks. Call me crazy but i just feel a little bit stronger, walk a little taller and smile a LOT more wearing these dumb panties while hearing (sometimes life altering) PET/MRI scan results!

And, because we are talking about panties…. I dug up one of my first posts and it is one that I personally like a lot! I’m fairly sure (keep fingers crossed and/or say a little prayer) that next week I’ll be back with new stories and new HOPES and new DETERMINATION (whatever way it may go...)!

And If I haven’t done so already, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for all your sweet comments on my Putting things in Perspective post, those help in so many more ways than you could ever imagine!  

Mouse hunt in granny pants

I was almost asleep... You know, right at that point were you feel your entire body come at ease...

With a sudden shock i realise there is somebody besides MY BED! And no I'm not dreaming and YES i should be all alone. "O my gosh, there is somebody besides my bed..!"

And then realizing all in a couple of seconds, I'm defiantly not dreaming, i defiantly should start wearing granny pants and pj's (if there would be a crazy man besides my bed, it's less attracting to wear granny pants, i hope) and i defiantly hear something creepy but it's not a man! I turn over to turn on the light and there on my dresser is see a tiny mouse playing hide and seek with my clothes.

Ok, freak out time has officially started, although it's not a scary man but a little tiny mouse.

So I'm watching this little fluff ball running over my dresser back and forth, climbing up and down and trying to sneak under my bed; "I don't think so buddy!". I'm trying to think of a strategy to catch this little intruder, and as a real girl supposed to do, i call my husband and tell him we have a little problem in the bedroom, and ask him if we have some traps. Turned out we did, which is a good thing but that meant, me getting out of bed and putting on some clothes, which is a bad thing...

EVERYBODY knows if you have monsters in your bedroom, you stay IN BED! That way they can't catch/grab or attack you... (Read your Stephen King novels!)

So after some serious consideration i got out of bed, put on some granny pants and got the mouse trap. We had a little bit of left over sausage and i figured my little mouse would like that. So i set the trap, used some sausage as bait, crawled into bed and waited...

And oh my gosh, two feet away (maybe four feet, but it felt really close) comes my little mouse, so cute, and headed right for my trap!

Haha, got you you little bastard...

At the same time that i was hoping i would catch him, i was also hoping that that trap thing would snap really fast so he won't feel nothing, AND thinking that i really can't watch this because it is so MEAN!

The little mouse grabs my sausage and takes off to a safe place underneath the dresser. No snapping of the trap, no me freaking out about killing a little, really cute, mouse. Just utter amazement. That little bastard stole my sausage!

After Bastiaan got home we tried to catch him but no luck (which wasn't a surprise, he just had lunch) and we set some more traps the next day but so far we haven't caught him yet.

Hopefully he went to the neighbors, maybe he can score some more sausage there, cause he's not getting it from me no more!



TexWisGirl said...

keeping fingers crossed for good results, dearheart. thanks for the laugh at the sausage-stealing mousie. :)

Jill said...

Ewww on the mouse! I use peanut butter on my traps and it always works for me.

Sending prayers with you today. Also a bunch of hugs...I hope you can feel them.

Megan said...

Keeping you in my thoughts today!

Sharon said...

Hoping things are an all clear! Um, strange panties.....

I use live mouse traps with mini-shredded wheat as the bait. After I catch them, they are relocated.

Cinderella said...

Ha-ha, I love how your write, Leontin! You make me alugh and it is so vivid. Mouse stole your sausage and then high tailed it over to the neighbor's:)

I hope your skull panties kick ass today and the results are FREE AND CLEAR. Please please please, add my good wishes and prayers to the skull brigade - more power to them!

Cinderella said...

Leontien - sorry for the typo!

Cinderella said...

And laugh typo, too, sorry. sigh. I will type slower next time!

Clint said...

I was in a nice hotel a few years back. I was sitting in the easy chair in my room, reading something before beddie-bye when I caught some movement from the corner of my eye. It was a rat, which had entered my room somehow from under the air conditioner. I called the front desk, told 'em a rat was in my room. They told me to stay there, tey would call security. No kiddin'.

Furry Bottoms said...

I love love love the panties idea! If it helps you through those dreaded appointments, I'm all for it!

Jeanie said...

More power to the skull panties! I'm so hoping to hear that you get results that say all is free and clear.

don said...

I'm wishing you all the best with the MRI results. Funny post with the mouse story. I hope you're keeping all the anecdotes for the production of a book one day.

Unknown said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers today woman. Power to the panties!

Larkrise garden girl said...

Leontien, Saying positive prayers your way. I had a mouse experience. Years ago my cat Katie a beautiful siamese was outside and my husband let her in. I was still in bed there was a yell from hubby and Katie raced to the bed with a treat for me a Mouse still alive in her mouth to share with me. yuk! Triple hugs today for you. Cheri

Cindy said...

I am wishing you the best results, I just had a mouse two days ago. the cat finally caught it. thank goodness. smiles to you.

Saimi said...

You had me laughing at the skull panties but you couldn't stop there, no you had to have me busting up over your mouse story! HA!!

I hate mice, especially when they look at me with those cute little beady eyes.

And just for the record, they love peanut butter..which happens to work because they can't steal it!

Good luck with the results I'll be thinking about you today!

cheyenne jones said...

You are in my thoughts. I do hope that you will get good results. Chin up!

Jeanette Levellie said...

I will pray for good results, dear. I remember reading that mousie story--you are so funny!


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Love your attitude. Go skull panties, go! I hope all goes well today.

Kim said...

Prayers to you that the test results are all good news. I absolutely LOVE those skull panties. Lol. So darn cute. And i am laughing so hard at the mouse story. I have had a few encounters with the nasty buggers in the past.

troutbirder said...

My wife had a mouse inside her sweat pants and didn't know it till she sat down... and freaked out. She also beat ovarian cancer. At any rate its been five years. My fingers are crossed for you as well.....

Oak Creek Ranch said...

You are in my thoughts. Praying for positive results. I love your attitude - and your panties.

Ellie said...

Sending hugs and love to you. Hope you get good results and that your panties work.
Your post on the mouse made me laugh out loud.
Much love to you.

Angelina said...

Hey Leontien,

Ik kan niet wachten tot je eerste boek wordt uitgebracht. Dat zal beslist een bestseller worden!

Heel veel sterkte meid, we denken aan je!!

Veel liefs van Mayk, Angelina en Brent.

Sandi said...


Isn't it funny how one begins to feel connected because of sharing thoughts and questions within a blog.

Know my thoughts and prayers are going northward toward you. I have no words of wisdom, only a heartfelt, "I am sorry you are once again living these unknowns."

I'll keep watching for an update....and keep sending prayers as well.

Many Blessings ~ Sandi

Melodie said...

Praying for you my friend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I do hope you get a good report, and I also hope the little guy left to visit the neighbors. if he comes back, my hubby uses jerky sticks, a piece of that in the trap and they can't carry it off. i let him do it because i feel mean to.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to comment on the pants, great idea since it makes you feel better, how about superman panties

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I'm just getting caught up on your blog after being gone for a few days--Please know that I'm sending good thoughts and keeping all paws crossed!

Arkansas Patti said...

Enjoyed your mouse mercy rerun especially since it was my first time.
Wishing you wonderful results with your test. Let us know.

rainfield61 said...

Waiting for your good news.

I think the mouse said the same to you.

Buttons Thoughts said...

You are so much stronger than this stupid cancer. Your underwear and sense of humour will keep it away.
I remember this post and I still am laughing again. You are the underwear champion storyteller What could be better than that. Take care my friend you are going to win. Love the panties. B

Anonymous said...

I want a pair! That is a great idea and what a way to keep the positive power in your panties! Good luck and I can't wait to hear the results.

Dreaming said...

Yeah...the skull panties have to work! If all they do is build up your will to fight... then that is helpful, too.

I'm having a hard time typing this with my fingers crossed. I'm wishing all good news to you, dear friend.

Samantha said...

You know, there is something to be said for a bad-ass pair of undies. I wore my FIERCE undies for a galactogram and felt much tougher!
Sending all good thoughts and lots of hugs..

Donna said...

I'm not even going to say "good luck" because I know that you in your skull and crossbones will do it! Maybe you shouls add some garlic too!! ha! Seriouly, I'll be on my knees for you tonight.

If laughter gets you through things better and it does me, then your funny mouse story should do the trick. Hugs from Ohio...

Julia said...

Dear Leontian, you still have a great sense of humor even with all this frightening uncertainties about that ugly thing called cancer. I hope that everything comes out clear for you and you are in my prayers.

I sure hope that you can catch that little furry intruder. To catch a mouse you have to think like a mouse. They usually run along the walls and if you set two traps instead of one you double your chances of catching them. Hugs, JB

Betsy Banks Adams said...

My love and prayers are with you as you await the results of your latest tests... I know the waiting is very hard...

Hope Mr. Mouse has decided to take off to live with someone else for awhile...

Tanna said...

Keeping on praying...

I'm lovin' those butt kicking panties! If they make you feel better, put those things back on every morning!

The mouse story is too cute!

blessings ~ tanna

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh...Leontien....wishing, hoping, and praying you, with the help of your awesome panties, kick that c-stuff! My very best thoughts are with you as you await your results - and heartfelt prayers being sent up....I'm a newer follower and haven't had the time to go back through all your posts yet (some day, I promise!) so I don't know what type of cancer your doing war with...but I am a Melanoma survivor...for now...some more "spots" to be removed and tested soon....Love your mousey story....your pictures make them more adorable than I want to them of them as!! Take good care - wishing you bright spirits and hope...Thank you, too, for your kind visits and comments on my are so, so, appreciated! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

LindaG said...

*hugs* and God Bless. ♥

Dolores said...

Waiting is soo hard....please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you. Those butt kicking panties are so cute.......praying for good/perfect results from the test...

Reena said...

hoping for good results. thanks for the laugh. we go through the same thing with those little varmints! How do they remove it?

geetlee said...

Hi Leontien,

Thank you so much for stopping by. I absolutely loved this post. It's full of courage, humor and the invincible human spirit.
You sound like a fabulous person and we NEED you to get better... there is so much to learn from you. I am so inspired!
Sending you love and warmth.
I'll keep visiting. Looking forward to it :) :)

Bob Bushell said...

Good luck with you results. Your mouse is really great, so great that I want one too.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Leontien, praying for good results for you! Keep us posted. (((hugs)))

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Best of luck to you.

UCK on the mouse!

I'm your newest follower!

Will be back for more


Deborah said...

So glad you visited me so I could find my way here!

We had a mouse and I must admit I grew rather fond of it, I actually left bits out for it (I know!) Then I realised they all look alike and my mouse was 'mice'!!

Sending much love to you with your results xxx

Unknown said...

Good luck...will be waiting for some news about your results! Waiting for PET scan results is absolutely agonizing. I love the butt kicking panties!

floweringmama said...

No matter how cute that stinker is, remember he carries disease... bleh.

I'm crossing my fingers for you!

Out on the prairie said...

I never heard of sausage as mouse bait. Funny tale.

bon bon said...

maybe if the skull and crossbones were metallic, they would come through in the scan. ;o)

sending healthy thoughts...

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Sending you love and best wishes for really good results! As for the mouse, reckon you have a smart one there, and I hope he has moved too :) x

Debbie said...

pantie power....gave me a good idea ;)

that was a good mouse story, we use peanut butter for mice & it works really well!!!

big hugs today....i have a really good feeling!!! xo

Unknown said...

I'm so sorry I fell behind with your blog. I am sending healing prayers your way, but I think you have found one of the best medicines: humor. I'm still giggling about the little bastard mouse! I hate them too, but I also don't want to watch them get caught, and I think we wear the same pjs to bed! ;-)

Hugs and love to you my friend!

deila taylor said...

Love your words and your underwear! Hope you get your report that all is good. cute little mouse.

Cinderella said...

Dear Leontien,
I just e-mailed you about the $300 dollar Cheesecake Factory Gift Card Giveaway - you won:)

((Sending caring thoughts to you))

Roan said...

Good thoughts and prayers coming your way. Loved the mouse story. Creepy little things!

This Farm Family's Life said...

praying for ya!

Julia said...

I've been thinking about you dear Leontien. I just wanted you to know that you are in my prayers. I know how it feels to wait for the results. Wishing you all the best. Hang in there. Hugs JB

Alica said...

Hi's me again. I couldn't figure out how to contact you other than a comment your comment about Merle and Nancy!!! That is so neat!!! I mentioned your blog to him...I know they travel every summer and love to go to the big farms in the midwest (all the farms here are SMALL), but didn't know if he ever found you or not, but am so glad he did!! I can't wait to see his video! I'm sure he will stop by when they're home with a copy. He used to chop our corn...did he tell you that? Hope all is going well for you!

Gail Dixon said...

You sausage-stealing mouse story was so funny! Thanks for the laugh.

Praying your results are favorable. I am just catching up on blog posts starting with the earliest, so you may have good news already posted. I'll go check.

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