Monday, November 14, 2011

Round Two starts Today...

OK, today is the day.
Bastiaan and I are heading back to Indy...

My little sister came back from The Netherlands again for a couple of weeks to support all of us and I am pretty sure my mom, dad and little brother are going to do an awesome job keeping the farm running. Making sure the boys (our employees) and our girls (our cows) are getting the best of everything.

Still incredibly scared but ready to fight again if the doctor says we are going to go for round two but since we are not quite sure what the doctor is going  to say (probably "yes, let's do it") it is not only scary but also a bit nerve racking...

It might be a while before I see you all again. But I am gonna assume it will be not too long...

I'm gonna miss you!

In case we are a little bit longer gone... Bastiaan might have given an update on Love for Leontien



Jill said...

God be with you, sweet Leontien. I will be praying for you. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Heel veel sterkte en succes!!!!!
Kick some ass!!!! Hoop snel weer positieve berichten van je te lezen. In gedachten ben ik bij jullie.

Liefs Marinke & Martin en een natte kus van Tim.

farmer said...

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

Susan said...

God be with you till we meet again. It's all gonna be ok sweet lady!

Love ya,


Samantha said...

Sending prayers and butt-kickin' thoughts your way, Hon!

Crystal Kellner said...

Praying for you everyday!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for letting us know you are leaving, prayers going up now and we will be waiting. hugs and love and kisses and we love you and will be waiting...

Alica said...

Hugs and many prayers for you Leontien!!

Cindy Ellison said...

Prayers going with you! You will be in my thoughts as you travel today, too. I am going to head over to the Facebook page now.

All our love ♥

Clint and Cindy

Kelly M. Rivard said...

Love, support, prayers, and good thoughts heading your way, Leontien! Keep your head up and stay strong...your will to fight and your optimism is an inspiration to many! We love you! And good luck.

Unknown said...

Sending out a call for love and prayers to come your way! Mine are always with you!

Lori Skoog said...

You will be in our thoughts and I look forward to updates. I'm Glad that your sister is there for support.
Hang on superwoman....

TexWisGirl said...

May God bless you and keep you safe and give you strength. :)

Ellie said...

Leontin I will be thinking of you. I look forward to hopefully hearing from you soon!!!
Sending good wishes and hugs for you.

Rose H (UK) said...

You will be in my thoughts each day, sending you my support and strength to beat this thing.
Love and hugs
Rose H

Dawn said...

Thinking of you every day.
go kick some butt!!!!!
hugs xx

don said...

I'll be thinking of you with positive thoughts and prayers to boot! All the best….

Kim said...

Stay strong. We are all you in spirit!
Hugs, Kim

Katie said...

Cheering and praying for you Leontien! We giving #LoveforLeontien on Twitter. You have an army behind you.

Jill said...

Thinking of you!!! Smudge sends hugs.

Florida Farm Girl said...

I'll be thinking of you and saying prayers every day for your complete recovery. Hugs to you, Bastiaan and the whole family.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thank you, Leontien, for letting us know. I'll be praying for you and thinking about you. We all will! We'll also be looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Hugs and love, Cheryl

Furry Bottoms said...

Leontin, sometimes round two isn't as bad as you expect it to be. You've already been through round one, so you kinda have an idea what it's going to take... when in the first run you had no idea. You are a brave soul, and I know you will be back with us as soon as you can. Don't forget to wear your skull panies!!!

Love and hugs,

forgetmenot said...

You are in many people's thoughts and prayers and will gather great strength from that. Take care, be strong, and keep the faith. Hugs, Mickie :)

Sandi said...

Sending prayers that you be surrounded by all that enables you to breathe in breaths of knowing you are loved.

Many Blessings, Sweet Friend.

Inger said...

Dear sweet Leontien, you are surrounded by love that will keep you strong. Sending love, hugs, prayers and good thoughts to you.

Sush said...

Leontien...if you can feel the love for you and yours that is sent to you from your friends and followers then you should be feeling well loved and well prayed for. I am sending you love and prayers on the crisp cool and kick cancer butt winds of autumn!


Ladytee said...

May God walk with you on your road to a healthy new you. In my prayers always.


Sharon said...

You are in good hands, I understand your fear, but so many are pulling for you, things will end up the way they should.

Super Huge {{{HUG}}}!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh Leontien here is a big hug from me. You are loved by so many. I am so happy your sister came to spend time with you that is wonderful.
You can do this girl, I love the new site where Bastiaan can keep us all updated. You are truly loved and your family will run the farm just fine. Take care of you and they will be happy with that. Take care my dear friend. I will miss you but you will be back soon. xxoo B

Tanna said...

Sending love and hugs and prayers and hope and all good things your way, Leontien!! {{{hugs}}} and blessings ~ tanna

The force is with you!!

LindaG said...

I agree. *hugs* and God bless. Hope things go quickly and you are home soon. ♥

It's me said...

Oh lieverdje toch !! heel veel sterkte voor de tweede ronde......ik heb zelf maar even je naam in de mand van de give away doet in ieder geval mee zo !!...liefs van mij...heel veel sterkte.......knuffel......ik ga voor je bidden.....enne je kan het he???!!!!...tot gauw !!!.....♥.. ♥... ♥....

Deone said...

Ok Leontien.. Good luck.. We love you.. We're praying for you and Bastiaan and are asking the Lord to be faithful and keep you safe and in peace! Talk to you soon.. ;)

Sarah said...

Leontien, As always my thoughts and prayers are with you! Be strong, okay?

Sarah ;0)

Maartje Rijkers said...

Lieve Leontien,
ook heel veel knuffels van ons. We denken aan je en aan Bastiaan en de familie. YOU CAN DO IT!
Dikke kus van Maartje en Luuk

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Sending you warm thoughts and hugs from here. If all the mental support you are getting from your blogging buddies were physical, you'd be levitating from it right now! ;-)

Larkrise garden girl said...

Leontien, Were all praying for you,All our love from all your blogger friends,Cheri

dr momi said...

LOts of people behind you Leontien. Me too...praying.

Dolores said...

I'm glad you're keeping us informed so we can double up on the thoughts and prayers for you!!!
Hugs and Love to you!!!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Just so you know that you are in my prayers........along with so many others.
Keep those positive thoughts and cancer killing thoughts going.

Make sure that Dr. Nala looks you in the eye and talks TO you, not at YOU. Ask tons of questions. AND those nurses better be awesome to you, or else!

Love you dear friend.

Ms. A said...

Praying for less drama on this round! Good luck, Leontien!

Kim said...

You are going to rock this hun!! Kick butt!! We will be here waiting!

University of Indianapolis Center for Aging & Community said...

Power to the Panties, girl! Fight, fight, fight!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Love and prayers to you
and kick butt!!

Thinking of you.

We are all here and you will beat this,
you have been so brave and determined and a lesson to us all.

Take care xxx

Anonymous said...

Heel veel sterkte!

Pieter, Diekske, Tobias

Sultan said...

Good wishes to you and your family.

mountain mama said...

praying for you!!! :))

Debbie said...

you go rock it girl....the whole world is right behind you!!

wishing you well and sending big hugs!! xo

Becky said...

Oh my Im not sure what to say.But I do know one thing all your prayers will be answered sweet Leontien,God Bless you,keep positive and strong.HugS!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Sweetie, I just wanted to pop in again and let you know my prayers are with ya in this fight.

I pray the peace that only God understands upon you.

Healin' hugs sweetie!

God bless you!

Cinderella said...

Oh Darling Leontien,
I hope that round two goes beautifully and all will be well. That would be a wonderful New Year's gift to have.

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Many daily hugs sent your way.

Diana said...

I will be thinking of you Leontien and am so glad that you have a wonderful family to count on! I will be praying for you sweet friend.
God's speed. Love Di ♥

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and praying dear Leontien.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Look out C...she's coming back for Round 2...and I wouldn't want to be you!!! You go Girl....We will be there with you, like an invisible, but palpable, armor of love and healing forces....My very best thoughts and prayers go with you....Hugs & Healing Blessings ~ Robin

Out on the prairie said...

very nice to hear from you,good look

Staci@LifeAtCobbleHillFarm said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers!!!

Anonymous said...

I am always thinking of you, my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family during this courages fight. God Bless You!!
Lots of Love,

Arkansas Patti said...

If round two is a must, kick butt.
Still sending prayers from Arkansas.

In 't Groen family said...

Veel sterkte en succes !!
Lots of love and hugs !!
You can do this !! See you soon.

Michelle said...

Praying for you! STAY STRONG!

~Dawn~ said...

Sending love and prayers!

acorn hollow said...

I have carried you in my heart I think of your fight so often. I will tell you this the prayers from this group is very powerful try to stay postive and take one day at a time.
many prayers and blessings to you

Anonymous said...

Sweet Leontien. You are in our thoughts. We would like to sent you lots of love and hugs. It must be great to have Hanneke visit you and support you. Good luck in you next round. We are thinking about you and kick butt....
Donkers Family

Ricki Treleaven said...

I am praying Isaiah 41:10 for you.

(((hugs))) from Alabama!

~Ricki Jill

ann said...

Stay positive keeping you in my prayers

Gail Dixon said...

Thanks for the update!! Praying God's healing hands be upon you. Peace and blessings for you this day and every day, Leontien! You are very brave and courageous. Hang in there.

Poppy (aka Val) said...

Sending prayers your way, hope you will be with us again very soon, will be thinking of you every day xxx

Saimi said...

Oh sweetie I'm still praying for you!!

Hang in there!!!

Chatty Crone said...

One more time - right? They are going to take great care of you. I am going to pray as well as everyone else. Your sister is there for you.
So keep praying and praying an praying.

Love, sandie

Julia said...

Thinking of you and Bastiaan as you go through some life reality experience fighting this cancer beast.

Sending you LOVE, HOPE and FAITH. That's what we named our triplets Holstein calves. They are 13 days old today and are quite the little celebrities with the media.

I hope that this brings a smile on your face. Stay positive . We all LOVE you. Hugs, Julia

Not So Simply Single said...

Hugs and Kisses from Maui!


Lisa Gordon said...

Sending you hugs and prayers my friend!

Christina Klas said...

OOOOhhhh Best of luck to you!!! Hope you get back on here soon for an update. ;)

rainfield61 said...

I am sure to see "your" update very soon.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

My family's and my prayers are with you. We will be thinking of you:)

Julia said...

Still thinking and praying for your complete recovery sweet lady. Hang in there. Hugs. JB

About Muriel said...

Thinking of you and sending you many positive vibes! Lots of love <3 <3

Anonymous said...

Hope you are able to go home soon. Just ordered some Glysolid Cream for you. I had it shipped to your Dairy Address. Hope it helps with your skin. Hugs and prayers, Sandra Forgey

Ed Pilolla said...

thinking of you...

Patrice said...

I stopped by to wish you a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. I wish healing for you.

LindaG said...

I hope this Thanksgiving finds you healing and getting better, Leontien.
*Hugs* ♥

Lisa Gordon said...

I am so glad you are home again Sweet Girl.
Just wanted you to know that you are always in my thoughts, but will be even more so tomorrow.
Sending hugs and prayers your way.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Hello Leontien,

I hope that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving
full of happiness and lovely memories.
take care of yourself.


x Fiona

Jenny Woolf said...

Good luck and lots of warm hope and support coming your way

Gerreke said...

Lieve Leontien,

Ik bid voor je en denk aan je!

Veel liefs,

Anonymous said...

Prayers for you and your family!

Not So Simply Single said...

I just posted this story on my blog side bar to share with my followers.

You are an amazing woman, quite an inspiration!


thanida said...

Great post. Keep it up. Thanks for advice. It is wonderful information for me.